Monday, September 28, 2009

COPE Celebrates 25 Years Of Excellence

COPE is an international network of ministries providing fellowship, promoting excellence, sharing resources and encouraging unity among those called to criminal justice/restorative justice/prison ministry.

Last week WVIW had the privilege and honor to be among some of the finest prison ministries from around the world. COPE -Coalition Of Prison Evangelists, met last week in Dallas, Tx to Celebrate 25 Years of Ministry. Dallas served also as the location for COPE's annual International Conference.

The conference was September 22-25. There were ministries from all over the world here in Dallas, to represent their area of ministry and to connect with other like minded individuals .

COPE has become a place of fellowship & encouragement and serves to equip those called to prison ministry. COPE was designed out of necessity and has thrived because of its invaluable members.

4 of those members were honored in an awards ceremony on Friday, during the COPE Celebration Banquet.

The director of Worldwide Voice In the Wilderness, Johnny Moffitt, received the Inaugural 2009 Frank Costantino Award for Prison Ministry Excellence. This award was presented by Cheryl and Bobby Greenwood. Frank Costantino, now passed away, was one of the founders of COPE 25 years ago and was Cheryl's husband. Together Frank and Johnny pioneered COPE and worked many hard years to make COPE such a well established ministry.

Johnny Moffitt has been serving God through Prison Ministry for over 31 years. In addition to being one of COPE's founders, he has also served COPE as President, Vice President and currently serves as Treasurer. Johnny has ministered in countless prisons both on domestic and on foreign soil. He and his wife Betty formed Worldwide Voice In the Wilderness as a multi-faceted ministry reaching deep into Prisons all over Texas, the US and the World.

Johnny Moffitt through Worldwide Voice in the Wilderness, has both served and been served by COPE. Many doors into the worlds prisons have been opened due to this longtime relationship.

Another inaugural award handed out for the night was to Bobby and Bunny Greenwood. They received the first ever President's Award for their impact on COPE over the years. Bobby and Bunny have given tirelessly to ministries like WVIW, Bill Glass, and COPE to continue God's work everywhere they go. Bunny's life's story is told in the book "Lady In the Shadows", and is a must read for anyone involved in the prison ministry. Bobby and Bunny travel all over the world ministering any chance they get, and are a great source for encouragemnet and motivation for anyone who has met them .

John Sullivan became the 2009 recipient of the Chaplain Ray Hoekstra Lifetime Achievement Award for his work in prisons both in the states and internationally. John has ministered in over 300 prisons and more 40 US states. He is the International Crusade Director and serves on the Board of Directors for COPE. John has had about 20, 000 copies of his Book, "Dealing With Fear", have been ditributed in prisons across the United States. John understands prison ministry from personal experience. First arrested at age 11 and branded an incorrigible criminal by 16, John, at 33 years old, was a hopeless alcoholic and had been arrested more than 30 times. In 1977, John asked Jesus into his heart and the change was drastic. The change in John has become proof of God's calling on his life and COPE is now a better ministry because of him.

Worldwide Voice In the Wilderness is thankful for all that has been gained through COPE. This conference strongly reinforces why COPE was founded 25 years ago. It is safe to say, WVIW will likely serve COPE as a lifetime member and supporter.

For More Information on COPE please visit
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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Equipping Ministries Around The World

Tuesday September 22nd marked the First Day of the COPE-Coalition Of Prison Evangelists, Annual Conference and also commemorates the 25th year of COPE's Existence.

COPE is an International Network of Criminal Justice Ministries, Prison Ministries, & Restorative Justice Ministries linked together to serve one another. The mission of COPE is to provide fellowship, promote excellence, share resources and encourage unity among those called to Criminal Justice Ministry.

Opening night at the general session we heard from Tony Loeffler, Ruth Sherry-Creighton, and Johnny Moffitt.

Tony Loeffler, who also played at our Ministry Banquet, offered a great musical set from his gutsy blues sound and really did an amazing job.

Ruth shared her amazing story of how she though the help of COPE and others has not only seen her ministry be maintained but flourish in the wake of her husbands passing.

Johnny Moffitt has been an integral part of COPE's 25 year journey. He spoke on "Who God Uses", in an encouraging message to all members at last nights opening. He spoke of his own struggles and triumphs through his 31 years of ministry and encouraged all of COPE to hold on to the promises of God, and to tell others when God speaks so that they will be able to follow as well. Johnny also told everyone to "pray. Pray because you can't hear from God unless you talk to God".

It is a great thing when God pulls together his army of ministers to meet, rest and pray together. Big things are happening in COPE and it is a ministry of Ministers and for Ministers. COPE is a place of refuge and of refueling. COPE represents Christ to other like minded ministries in a way that edifies and encourages without fear of competitiveness creeping in.

For more info on COPE and How you can become involved please visit the Official Website or their Ministry BLOG. You can also find COPE on Facebook.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Overcomers is in Jamaica, Trinidad, and Africa

Dear Johnny & Ms. Betty,

I'm so excited about your 31st anniversary of serving the Lord. I just wanted to give you an update on the progress of the Overcomers workbook. Due to years of the tireless efforts of you, Ms. Betty, Pastors Charles & Sharon, Pastors Sandy & Paul Ward the workbook has gone to

Zimbabwe (Tom-Bonnie Ducshel) Harambee, Kenya Kwang’amor, Kenya

Kingston, Jamaica (The murder capitol of the world) This church is located in the "KILL ZONE" the gangs will kill you and throw you in the church parking lot. This entire church is working the workbook w/ all the training & teaching DVD’s of Pastors Charles & Sharon

Trinidad, West Indies-Bishop Joshu Hussein (200 pastors Overcomer work shop all want the program)

Spanish Town, Jamaica Bishop & Mother Eason will be attending your banquet w/ us.

Kakamega, Kenya

This is a word from the Lord, CONCERT COMBINED EFFORTS! We placed our hands in Pastors Charles & Sharon who placed their hands in yours & Ms. Betty's hands. Then God placed all our hands in the safety of Pastors Sandy & Paul Ward's hands who took the Daily Choice Workbook to the different countries. This is the combined efforts of all these ministers.

The dictionary states: “ONE CAN NOT CONCERT BY ONE'S SELF"

A heartfelt "THANK YOU" for allowing Doug & I to be a part of WVIW.

Doug & Elaine Lenamond

Still Thankful Ministries/ Overcomers

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Johnny Moffitt will Be Preaching…

Johnny Moffitt

Will Be Speaking

September 6th

Church of the Called Out Ones

9108 Lake June

Dallas, TX 75217

September 13th

City Gate Church

3259 North Beach Street,

Fort Worth, TX 76111

September 20th

ELIM Church

3200 S. Richey

Houston, TX 77017

For More Information please Contact us Via Email or by phone 972.234.6009

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