Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Food in the House


Occasionally people will ask, "Why travel to Honduras to help people when there are people in need right here at home, in the USA?"

It's a good question.

International efforts come with greater expenses related to travel costs, time costs, and the impact that cross-cultural work has on your own soul. Let's just say that there is a price to be paid.

So why go? Why take the time and pay the price to travel to Honduras or any place else for that matter when the hungry, the poor, the needy live right next door?

Jesus Himself gave us a global mandate. He said GO to, "Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the outermost parts of the world," He was literally saying for us to go to our town, our country, neighboring countries and the furthest away places on the planet.

At CONNECT GLOBAL we take this mandate very serious. We were formed as a Global organization knowing that the USA is part of the globe. Because of this, we will continue to travel to Honduras AND care for people here at home.

Currently our primary efforts are based around building Aquaponic Feeding Systems. These sustainable, organic systems produce both Tilapia and fresh vegetables. They are environmentally friendly and easy to manage. Most importantly, they are virtually free to maintain and they feed people.

We completed 5 Aquaponic Feeding Systems this past September in Cusuna, Honduras.


Did I mention that we are super excited about this project?

This system will be built on site at New Life Baptist Church in the Sulphur Springs neighborhood of Tampa. This is a very impoverished part of Tampa, often referred to as a "Produce Desert." We are so honored to partner with this excellent church to make sure there will be Food in the House for hundreds of families.

Here's where you come in. Join us this Saturday. You can cut wood, drive a nail, or take picture. We will need help with all three. Share this story with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, or anywhere else you're connected. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter @iConnectGlobal. Watch this story unfold at Make a donation to help us continue this work and build more systems that will feed more people. In what ever way you can, get CONNECTED.

New Life Baptist Church is located at 912 E. Fairbanks St., Tampa, FL 33604. We will begin at 10am. Stay all day or for just an hour.

You can mail donations to Connect Global, PO Box 740273, Dallas, TX 75374 or online at

Connect Global

2011 at a glance

Thank you for being a part of our ministry 

Well, 2011 is about over.  It has been a great year for WVIW.  We had several successful Marriage Seminars as well as several special services in prisons.  I also preached in several churches across America.  It was a special blessing to be able to travel to England and preach for the European Conference of the Full Gospel Fellowship of Churches and Ministers.

2011 was a very special year for WVIW in the area of recognition of this ministry.  In July Betty and I received the Ray Chamberlin Award as Missionaries of the Year from the Full Gospel Fellowship of Churches and Ministers.  Then in November Betty received the Chaplain Ray Hoekstra Lifetime Achievement Award from the Coalition Of  Prison Evangelists.

Betty was named Chief Operating Officer of WVIW by the board of directors, and Travis was named Apprentice Director of WVIW and Director of our international ministry, Connect Global, which we launched this year.

Travis and Javier made a trip to Honduras where they built five fish farms for five families.  These farms produce fish and vegetables for a family for life at no cost to the family.  Connect Global has plans to build 100 of these farms in the village of Cusuna alone.  They will return in March to build ten more.  You can provide a family with food for life with a gift of $500.  Learn more about this project by visiting our web site,

2012 is gearing up to be very busy and very Successful.

Our Marriage Seminar schedule is already full for 2012.  We will have four seminars for inmates and one for officers.  The seminar for officers is half funded.  We need another $7,000 to fully fund it.  The inmate seminars cost $6,000 each.  Perhaps you could give that to fund one of these wonderful seminars.  Or maybe give a part of the funds needed.  Maybe you could give a portion each month to see a couple save their marriage.  Please pray about what God would have you do.

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