Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Pray Like Jesus By Travis Moffitt

Then He said to them, "My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death.  Stay here and keep watch with me."  -Matthew 26:38
It is always quite interesting to me to observe the requests made by Almighty God upon mortal men and women.  Jesus being fully man and fully God in one being made this request to His fully human disciples: "keep watch with me" or "pray with me."

Jesus had already eaten His last meal with these, His closest companions.  He had discussed things that were about to take place.  Things that were not easy to talk about.  Things even more difficult to experience.  At this moment, the moment of His greatest fight, what does He request?  Answer: someone to pray with Him.

It amazes me that the God of the universe would ask for prayer, but He did.  His simple request was, "stay and pray with me a while."   Keep the watch with me so that I don't have to go it alone.  Walk this spiritual path with me for a bit.  Let's sojourn together down the road of intercession.  Stay and pray with me a while.

How often is our request the same?  How much more often should it be?  Do we ask enough for prayer or do we attempt to go it alone?  Do we humble ourselves often enough to expose a need, a sorrow unto death?  Or do we mask our fears and hide our hearts attempting in vain to face our demons alone?

At WVIW we are asking.  We are asking how we may pray for you and we are asking you to pray for us.  God is teaching us how the practice of prayer with and for one another connects us in unique and powerful ways.  Ways of connection that we desire.  Ways of connection that we need.

Let us learn together from our Teacher, Jesus.  Let us keep watch with one another for a while.  Please pray for us and allow us to pray for you.

Travis Moffitt
Associate Director
Worldwide Voice In the Wilderness

Monday, June 28, 2010

Power of Prayer, A Letter From Our Directors

     We pray this letter finds you blessed and highly favored.  We at WVIW have remembered you in prayer, and want to share with you a few things we have learned regarding this powerful way of connecting with God and one another.
Zechariah 3 (New International Version)
 1 Then he showed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the LORD, and Satan standing at his right side to accuse him. 2 The LORD said to Satan, "The LORD rebuke you, Satan! The LORD, who has chosen Jerusalem, rebuke you! Is not this man a burning stick snatched from the fire?"  3 Now Joshua was dressed in filthy clothes as he stood before the angel. 4 The angel said to those who were standing before him, "Take off his filthy clothes."  Then he said to Joshua, "See, I have taken away your sin, and I will put rich garments on you." 5 Then I said, "Put a clean turban on his head." So they put a clean turban on his head and clothed him, while the angel of the LORD stood by. 
      In this passage God showed me the power of my prayers.  Zechariah is privileged to see into the heavens where God is receiving a high priest named Joshua.  It is interesting to note that Satan is there to fight him all the way.  God rebukes Satan and identifies Joshua as a redeemed saint of God.  
Then Zechariah describes Joshua’s clothing.  This raises the question in my mind, “How does a priest get his garments filthy?”  I believe it is because he had been taking the blood sacrifice into the Holy of Holies and splattering it on the altar.  That blood represented the prayers of the children of Israel.  This priest was an intercessor.  The verdict of God was, “Take off his filthy clothes.”  There is redemption for the intercessor!
     Now look at verse 5.  Zechariah, who is in the audience, speaks up and intercedes for Joshua;   "Put a clean turban on his head."  God answered Zechariah’s prayer.
     It strikes me that while in the presence of both the Angel of the Lord and Satan, Zechariah speaks up.  He opens his mouth and his voice is heard in the Heavenlies.  Here a mere mortal man is acknowledged, heard, and even obeied by these Heavenly beings.  The scripture even says the Angel of Lord "stood by" while the turban was placed on Joshua's head.  In this moment the proclamation of God and the proclaimation of a man were carried out simultaneously. 
     The good news is that the object of the prayer of intercession and the intercessor are both blessed.  A tremendous connection is made in the supernatural when you pray for someone else.  Joshua recieved the extra blessing of the clean turban by the intercession of Zechariah.  Can we imagine the course of events had he not spoken up?  
     You can connect with WVIW by joining our prayer team.  You pray for us as we pray for you, and we are both blessed.  Together we can move heaven and earth and accomplish the goals God gives to us.  Be as bold as Zechariah.  Intercede for WVIW, share your prayer needs with us so we can pray for you; and together we will all see our needs met.
     Over the next 18 months we will complete 6 Marriage Seminars, 4 International Missions, 2 Prison Crusades, house up to 6 previously incarcerated men at any given time, and minister to hundreds of inmates, prison ministers, and church members.  Each project creates it's own unique set of needs.  We invite your prayers and partnership knowing that all these needs will be met. 
     God is faithful and where He directs, He provides.  God uses people for that provision.  WVIW needs your help right now!  We are doing what God called us to do.  We are making changes to better use our resources.  We are doing what we must, with sound council, to continue to be effective and efficient, and do all with integrity.  We will continue this work with your help!
First, connect with the WVIW “Prayer Team”.  Pray for us.
Second, connect with the WVIW “Go Team”.  Go on a mission with us.
Third, connect with the WVIW “Support Team”.  Give to send us.
     Please do the very best you can.  Today, write out that check or go to www.wviw.com , and sew a seed into WVIW.  Will you give $50, $100, $200, $500, or even $1,000, to help us take the Gospel to the neglected & forgotten people of the world?  If everyone does something, great things will be accomplished. 
     Let’s get connected!  Together, we can do greater things than we can alone.  I am eagerly awaiting your prompt and positive response.
     God bless you!
Johnny Moffitt, D.Min.                             Travis Moffitt
Director                                                       Associate Director

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Change: Letter From our Directors

This is a time when change is everywhere in America. "Change" was the buzz word that got a president elected. "Change" is occurring around us and in us. "Change" is happening in every area of business, church, missions, family, and even life style today. "Change" has become the constant upon which we can count.
There are people in the Bible whose lives were completely altered by the "change" that occurred in their lives.
Jacob's name (who he was) was changed from "trickster" to Israel, or "prevails with God" (who he now is).
Abram's name was changed from "exalted father", to Abraham, or "father of a multitude". It was no longer all about him, but it was about him looking after many.
Saul's name was changed to Paul. The greatest persecutor of the early church became it's greatest champion on the road to Damascus.
All of these changes were necessary, productive, and good. These changes were also very hard. As I look at my own life and ministry, I see many seasons of change. All were necessary, productive, and good; but difficult. I feel in my spirit that this is another one of those times.
We are experiencing much change at WVIW. We have grown from a core team of two (Johnny & Betty) to a team of six (including Travis & Gina and Javier & Danielle). We have welcomed new Team Members on each of our last several Marriage Seminars. Our ways of communicating have been transformed to meet the times. And today we have redirected funds into a virtual office setting, both saving the ministry significant resources and totally changing the way we function on a day to day basis.
As we grow through these changes we find that truly we are the ones most changed. Our hearts undergo a greater metamorphosis than our circumstances.
"Since it was customary for the king to consult experts in matters of law and justice, he spoke with the wise men who understood the times" Esther 1:13
Times and circumstances change.
As they do, wise men will adjust to them. In doing so the challenge becomes to not compromise the calling or the message. As a faith ministry, we must continually be aware of the times. And we must continually be aware of what God is doing in our hearts. We must adjust our staffing, business practices, and budget issues.
In light of the many changes here at WVIW, we will not waver on our commitment to God, our call to the neglected peoples of the world, our commitment to excellence and integrity, or our appreciation of our partners.
While change is inevitable, these unchanging things provide the stability we need to navigate our lives and ministry. Thank God, He never changes in his character and love for us. We can depend on Him. We can depend on His word. We can depend on His love.
Don't fear change in your life. Embrace the necessary changes. They will be hard, and they will hurt. But, the results will be far greater then you could ever imagine. Trust in God and His love for you. Lean on His word. He is faithful to His promises.
Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever. Hebrews 13:8

Nelson Mandela noted, "There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have altered."

Johnny & Travis Moffitt
Director & Associate Director
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