Monday, January 18, 2010

Overcomers Field Report

Overcomers Update 
Below we want to share with you a short note from an International Missionary who is using Overcomers in LARGE part to the diligence of Doug and Elaine Lenamond, and because of the support they have received here in the US and particularly here in Texas.

"Greetings to you today. You have been a great blessing to us
and due to that,
Doug & Elaine Lenamond I have to testify that you have been greatly used to bring a
revival here in Kenya. The Overcomer books have been used to great change in
our congregation. Many alcoholics and adulterors have come forward to testify
of the great hand that has been manifested through the Overcomers Recovery Program in Africa.  God is faithful and last Sunday we had 3 Alcoholics come to the
knowledge of Christ through the recovery group that had visited them to share
with them about the book. God has now increased the church at Harambee to
members and Kwangamor to 70 while the kakamega church to 81. Today there are
two more fellowships that will be planted soon just because of the Overcomers recovery
program team.
We do plan to be at different places during the mid-weeks and
through this we reach out the drunkards and we have seen them know christ."

We are happy to make reports like these and encourage you to also make reports available to us for posting. If you or your Overcomer group has some news you would like for us to publish, please submit along with your full name, group name or location, and who your facilitator was, to

Thank you and God Bless you,

Sie B. Davis, Johnny Moffitt, & the rest of the WVIW - Overcomers Team
Sie Davis, WVIW Overcomers DirectorJohnny and Betty Moffitt WVIW Directors

 We invite you to join us.  As co-laborers, together we can make
a difference in this world.
There are several ways you can GET INVOLVED:

1)     Consider supporting us regularly.  The entire Safely and Securely Donate OnlineWVIW team, live
and work on the faithful support of individuals like you who believe in this

2)   Attend a WVIW function.  From a Marriage Seminar to an International
trip, there is a place for you to work side by side with us.

3)   Share us with others.  You have friends and love ones who know
nothing about us.  Please tell them.  On Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, by e-mail, or
word of mouth, let them know about WVIW.

4)   Pray for us.
More than anything else, we need your prayers.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Happy New Year

The WVIW would like to wish you and your family a happy and healthy new year. We are praying for you and believe that 2010 will be a stellar year for all of God's Kingdom. We hope that you will continue to keep in touch through our many online sites like, the WVIW facebook fan page, the Worldwide Voice In the Wilderness Official website, and you can even follow WVIW on twitter.

We also invite you to take advantage our FREE online Newsletter emailed out once a month.

If you have any questions at all please feel free to contact our offices.

Thank You and God Bless,

WVIW Staff
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