Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Food in the House


Occasionally people will ask, "Why travel to Honduras to help people when there are people in need right here at home, in the USA?"

It's a good question.

International efforts come with greater expenses related to travel costs, time costs, and the impact that cross-cultural work has on your own soul. Let's just say that there is a price to be paid.

So why go? Why take the time and pay the price to travel to Honduras or any place else for that matter when the hungry, the poor, the needy live right next door?

Jesus Himself gave us a global mandate. He said GO to, "Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the outermost parts of the world," He was literally saying for us to go to our town, our country, neighboring countries and the furthest away places on the planet.

At CONNECT GLOBAL we take this mandate very serious. We were formed as a Global organization knowing that the USA is part of the globe. Because of this, we will continue to travel to Honduras AND care for people here at home.

Currently our primary efforts are based around building Aquaponic Feeding Systems. These sustainable, organic systems produce both Tilapia and fresh vegetables. They are environmentally friendly and easy to manage. Most importantly, they are virtually free to maintain and they feed people.

We completed 5 Aquaponic Feeding Systems this past September in Cusuna, Honduras.


Did I mention that we are super excited about this project?

This system will be built on site at New Life Baptist Church in the Sulphur Springs neighborhood of Tampa. This is a very impoverished part of Tampa, often referred to as a "Produce Desert." We are so honored to partner with this excellent church to make sure there will be Food in the House for hundreds of families.

Here's where you come in. Join us this Saturday. You can cut wood, drive a nail, or take picture. We will need help with all three. Share this story with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, or anywhere else you're connected. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter @iConnectGlobal. Watch this story unfold at Make a donation to help us continue this work and build more systems that will feed more people. In what ever way you can, get CONNECTED.

New Life Baptist Church is located at 912 E. Fairbanks St., Tampa, FL 33604. We will begin at 10am. Stay all day or for just an hour.

You can mail donations to Connect Global, PO Box 740273, Dallas, TX 75374 or online at

Connect Global

2011 at a glance

Thank you for being a part of our ministry 

Well, 2011 is about over.  It has been a great year for WVIW.  We had several successful Marriage Seminars as well as several special services in prisons.  I also preached in several churches across America.  It was a special blessing to be able to travel to England and preach for the European Conference of the Full Gospel Fellowship of Churches and Ministers.

2011 was a very special year for WVIW in the area of recognition of this ministry.  In July Betty and I received the Ray Chamberlin Award as Missionaries of the Year from the Full Gospel Fellowship of Churches and Ministers.  Then in November Betty received the Chaplain Ray Hoekstra Lifetime Achievement Award from the Coalition Of  Prison Evangelists.

Betty was named Chief Operating Officer of WVIW by the board of directors, and Travis was named Apprentice Director of WVIW and Director of our international ministry, Connect Global, which we launched this year.

Travis and Javier made a trip to Honduras where they built five fish farms for five families.  These farms produce fish and vegetables for a family for life at no cost to the family.  Connect Global has plans to build 100 of these farms in the village of Cusuna alone.  They will return in March to build ten more.  You can provide a family with food for life with a gift of $500.  Learn more about this project by visiting our web site,

2012 is gearing up to be very busy and very Successful.

Our Marriage Seminar schedule is already full for 2012.  We will have four seminars for inmates and one for officers.  The seminar for officers is half funded.  We need another $7,000 to fully fund it.  The inmate seminars cost $6,000 each.  Perhaps you could give that to fund one of these wonderful seminars.  Or maybe give a part of the funds needed.  Maybe you could give a portion each month to see a couple save their marriage.  Please pray about what God would have you do.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Travis Moffitt sermon: Are you Ready?


Here below is a sermon entitled are you ready! 

This was originally spoken at Elim Church in Houston Texas on November 20 th 2011. 

Please listen and be encouraged. 

We woukd love to have you join us for our next trip to Honduras in early 2012, to Cusuna and help us install 10 more Family Sized aquaponic Feeding Systems! 

01_Are_You_Ready_.m4a Listen on Posterous

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Marriage Seminar Ellis Unit

Thank God for his presence this weekend! We had such a blessed time in prison at the Ellis Unit for our marriage seminar. 

All together we had 16 coiuples complete this seminar. Lives were changed, marriages restored, and new commitments made. 

I want to peroanlly thank you for supporting our ministry and our efforts in the state prisons! This ministry could not exist without the dedication of not only our volunteers but our donors and partner churches as well. 

Thank you First Baptist of Huntsville, The Methodist church for the food friday, and to the Ellis Unit Staff. We had a very successful weekend and look forward to even more praise reports from this weekend. 

Here below is a slideshow of the photos from this weekend! 

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Breakthrough Group

Below are several reactions to day 2 of our marriage seminar at Ellis Unit. We spent all day in prison and had such a fantastic day!

Tonight were at the First Baptist Church listening to the wives and I am amazed and blessed by these heroes!

Here is a sample of what they had to say tonight! 

"It pulled even more layers away for me...that is a good thing."

"The healing began this weekend!"

"Im gonna leave here a better person. A more free person." 

"The old me was a very mean person...I have been declawed"

"I had a breakthrough tonight!!"

Monday, November 14, 2011

I will be Speaking at Heritage Church Dallas

Please come and bring a guest. I will Be Speaking at Heritage Church Dallas on November 27th


Johnny Moffitt


Friday, November 11, 2011

Veterans Day Prayer

Dear Lord,
Today we honor our veterans,
worthy men and women
who gave their best
when they were called upon
to serve and protect their country.
We pray that you will bless them, Lord,
for their unselfish service
in the continual struggle
to preserve our freedoms, our safety,
and our country’s heritage, for all of us.
Bless them abundantly
for the hardships they faced,
for the sacrifices they made
for their many different contributions
to America’s victories
over tyranny and oppression.
We respect them, we thank them,
we honor them, we are proud of them,
and we pray that you will watch over
these special people
and bless them with peace and happiness.
In Jesus’ name we pray; Amen.

By Joanna Fuchs


Thursday, November 10, 2011

WVIW Marriage Seminar November 18 at the Ellis Unit

Please pray with us for our next WVIW Marriage Seminar November 18 at the Ellis Unit.


We are expecting a great turnout and many lifes changed 


Thank you for your continued support! 


Congratulations to Betty Moffitt for her award


Monday, October 10, 2011

Travel Companions

A Honduran, a Nigerian, a Mexican, and an American were riding in a truck …

Sounds like the start of a bad joke, but this is the true life setting I found myself in just a few weeks ago.  I was the American.  My travel companions, Nahun, Gabriel, & Javier, all seated comfortably (sort of) as we bobbled along the dusty, bumpy road to Cusuna, Honduras.  It had been a miracle morning.  We had three buckets of live Tilapia.

We had arrived in Honduras only days before with no certainty of finding these much needed fish.  Our mission was to construct five Aquaponic Feeding Systems complete with moving water, vegetables, and fish.  That very morning we had found, and purchased, the Tilapia and were now on our way back to Cusuna when we were stopped by the police. 

As the driver I began the conversation with a friendly, "hola".  Things went down hill from there.  See I speak more Spanish than I understand.  The stern el policia responded with who knows what, but it sounded serious; and inquisitive.  He was apparently asking me some question that I did not understand.  My blank stare didn't seem the help. 

Finally, my Honduran friend, Pastor Nahun, said, "Estamos misioneros.  Estamos un Hondureño, un Nigeriano, un Mexicano, y un Americano."

Translation: We're missionaries.  We are a Honduran, a Nigerian, a Mexican, and an American.  

The police officer simply waived his hand and let us pass.  He must have figured there was no other explanation for such a mixed bag in a truck than a group of missionaries. 

And that's the point.  As a short term missionary mobilizer, I've had the honor of GOING with some of the best travel companions in the world.  I've been to Honduras with people from Nigeria, Switzerland, Moldavia, and Iceland, as well as countries like Texas Alabama, and Tennessee.  I've met Canadians and Spaniards.  Yankees and rebels.  All on a journey of peace. 

It seems God has a unique way of bringing people together on a mission trip from all parts of the world to impact all parts of the world. 

Won't you join us.  I promise those traveling with you will be glad you came along. 

To learn more about our next trip to Cusuna and other places, check out Connect Global at

Travis Moffitt
Connect Global
A Ministry of Worldwide Voice In The Wilderness

Friday, September 2, 2011

Pray for us as we travel to England

Thank you once again for keeping Betty and I in your prayers as we spend the next few weeks traveling. Below is a listing of the next month's events.

Sept 4- I will be preaching at The Fellowship European Conference in Ashbury, Kent, England. I am very honored to have been invited to this gathering.

Sept 11- I will be at Sante Fe Christian Fellowship in Sante Fe, Texas.
Service time is 10:30am.

Sept 18 I will be at Life Community Church in Sunnyvale, Texas at 9:30am

We also want you to begin making plans to attend our Annual Celebration Banquet, Oct 28 at 7:00pm.

The banquet will be at the Holiday Inn Richardson
1655 N. Central Expressway
Richardson, TX 75080

Thank you so much.
Johnny Moffitt

Friday, August 12, 2011

Church in the Wind Midland Texas


Thank you again for your continued support and prayers. I have been very blessed by the amount of time I have been able to spend in the word and with God's people over the past few weeks. This weekend I will be at a dear friends church. Church in the Wind in Midland is a home away from home for us and I look forward to sharing this weekend again with our Midland Family. If you are going to be at the service leave me a comment here or send me an email at Thank you for your support


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

New Speaking Dates

Please make plans to join me at these two services. I really have appreciated your support and would love to see you. If you can make it please let me know via Facebook. Http://

Thank you
Travis Moffitt

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Preaching Schedule update

I am so glad to be speaking At two very special churches in the next few weeks.

Church on the Rock in my hometown of Lubbock, TX. As well as, North Elevation Church in the DFW area of Mansfield.

I hope you can join me for the service closest to you. I love seeing friends and family when I travel and I am blessed whenever I speak at a "home" church.

Thank you
Johnny Moffitt

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Follow Connect Global on Twitter


Please Follow us on twitter @iConnectGlobal

We Would love to hear from you and we appreciate all the RT's

Updates are posted often from @javi_Mendoza and @travismoffitt


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Please join me this Sunday


I will be speaking this Sunday right here in Plano. I will be sharing at a church of a great friend of mine, Sam Fenceroy.

The church is called Mt Olive Church of Plano and is located at 300 Chisholm Pl.

The service is at 6pm and I would love for you to come.


Join me in Odessa, TX


Please join me as I travel west to Odessa on July 10. We are very excited to be visiting Jesus House ministries and being a part of their services.

Thank you


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Heritage Church Dallas

> > ## Father’s Day Invitation ## > > I just wanted to remind everyone that I will be speaking at Heritage Church this Sunday, June 19th for Father’s Day > > I’m looking forward to sharing a fresh and encouraging word while being home with family and friends. > > Thank you for being such a great support to me and for keeping me and Betty in your prayers. > > See you Sunday > > Johnny Moffitt >

Heritage Church Dallas

Monday, May 30, 2011

Pray for Jorge

In Honduras I have a close friend and ministry partner named Jorge Amador.  For years Jorge has hosted dozens of missionaries into Cusuna and other parts of Honduras.  He has worked tirelessly to build The Kingdom of God in his country.  

Recently Jorge has suffered several personal setbacks that would challenge the best of any of us.  Having lost so much, he has persevered to provide for his family and continue to bring missionaries to Honduras.  Just two months ago he graciously ministered alongside Javier Mendoza and I. 

Recently Jorge has opened a small restaurant with the desire to continue his missions work and give into the work of the ministry.  As in the US, starting a business is difficult.  Especially when you financial resources are VERY LIMITED, everything must be done in faith. 

Today I am writing at Jorge's request.  "Travis, please email everyone and ask them to pray for me."

He has asked for prayer for several specific things:
1) Pray for encouragement.  Pray the God will comfort him and lift his spirit. 
2) Pray for customers.  Jorge needs 15 customers or more each day. 
3) Pray for additional funding.  Jorge is making several improvements on his restaurant to make it more comfortable and appealing to customers.  Improvements like a glass front door, tables, and an A/C. 

Today I am praying for Jorge.  Won't you join me?  Won't you agree with me and lift up my friend?

Travis Moffitt
Worldwide Voice In the Wilderness
Mobilizing Teams to Reach Neglected & Forgotten Communities Around the World

Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Beauty after the storm

Monday evening in Dallas proved to be quite a stormy night.  Many of our neighbors spent the evening in their closets or sitting in their bathtub.  The storm outside sent us all into a heightened state of awareness and wonderment. 

"Would a tornado touch down near my home?  Would these magnificent clouds turn on us?  How would we weather the storm?"

I have been equally overwhelmed by the beauty of the three following days.  The weather here has been absolutely wonderful.  It's as if the storms of Monday evening never even happened. 

And so it is in life.  We all face storms.  There are those dark stormy nights of the soul that seem to have no ending and threaten to tear us apart.  They challenge our sense of safety and leave us cowering in the bathroom. 

"He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed." Psalms 107:29

Days like today remind me that the storms of life will also pass.  Eventually the clouds will clear and the sun will shine again.  The winds will blow away the rain and in the wake we will have days of clear sky's and sunshine.  

Our illness will pass.  Our poverty will clear away.  Our worries will subside.  Our God will still the storm to a whisper.  The beauty of the days to come will be greater than the storms of the past. 

Travis Moffitt
Worldwide Voice In the Wilderness
Mobilizing Teams to Reach Neglected & Forgotten Communities Around the World

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A Post from our Friends at Antioch Church

As everyone is probably already aware, a tornado ripped through Joplin, MO a couple of days ago leaving so many people in need of help.  Antioch Church is stepping up to the plate and we want to give you all an amazing opportunity to help us.  There is a Disaster Relief Team heading down to Joplin, MO on Thursday to help as many families as they can.  They are working through a church there as well to provide help and assistance. 

Here is items that is being requested: 

  • bottled water
  • non-perishable food
  • blankets
  • diapers
  • formula
  • toiletries
  • basic 1st aid supplies

If you are interested and can help us out by providing these requested items, families in the Joplin area will be much appreciative.  We as a church have already donated and sent our skid loader with the city of Greenwood Public Works Department.  Here's the thing, we need to ACT FAST!  This team will leave Thursday evening for Joplin to distribute the items. 

Antioch Church is a drop-off location for you to bring your items.  The church will be open from 9:00-5:00 today, Wednesday, Thursday to receive what you can bring.  You can also bring by things tomorrow (Wednesday) night during service, please take it to the Welcome Center. 

Let's all jump in and help families affected so close to us all! 

Please pass this information along...better yet, "share" this note on your facebook page.  If you want to give cash donations, you may do that as well.  Make checks out to "Antioch Church."  Or, if you want to give online, go to - and in the comments section on that site please type in "Joplin Disaster Relief."

Let's all do something!  Thanks so much

-Pastor Ryan Slavens


p.s. if you can't turn in your items before Thursday, bring them in as soon as you can, this team will be making more trips down there to help

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Please Join Me in Tampa

This week Gina and I are Traveling to Tampa for a Couple of Meetings.

Our first is at Bridgeway Church to visit our Friends and Family over Memorial Day Weekend.

The second big meeting is at Organic Life Cafe and Bakery for our Connect Tampa Bay Event For Pastors.

Please Join us and be a part of what God is doing in our lives and in our Ministry!!



Travis Moffitt

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Invitation to view Coffield Unit - 2011 photo gallery

I'd like to share photographs with you from my Coffield Unit - 2011 gallery. Or check out the slideshow.


Javier Mendoza
Worldwide Voice In the Wilderness 
(214) 725-4352

Sent from my iPhone

Friday, May 20, 2011

Know Jesus, Serve Others

Jesus told Peter three times, "If you love me then feed my sheep."  The implication is clear: to express our love for Jesus we must serve others.  Or, put a different way, as we serve others we will show our love and come to know Jesus better and more intimately.  

This weekend the team is at the Coffield Prison in Tennessee Colony, TX serving 26 inmate couples.  As we serve them, we ourselves come to see Jesus' face more clearly.  We express our love for Him more deeply.  We enjoy His love for us more fully.

Find out more at WVIW. com.  

"We love you Lord.  We receive your love.  We are feeding your sheep." 

Travis Moffitt
Worldwide Voice In the Wilderness
Mobilizing Teams to Reach Neglected & Forgotten Communities Around the World

Marriage Seminar AfterGlow

Today was the first night of the marriage seminar and we have had a great time. Fridays are always full of anxiety, anticipation, and sometimes apprehension. Tonight was no different. We spent about 5 hours inside the unit listening to and learning ways to identify and live out who we are meant to be as a married couple.

After the Friday night session the wives and volunteers head to what we call the Afterglow. This is meant to be a time to open up to each other and share what the seminar has given to us each day.

Below is a very small sample of some of the comments we received tonight.

Quotes form the Marriage Seminar Afterglow.

"Tonight really touched me because it helped reaffirm our commitment to each other."

"Thank you for helping me reconnect to my husband"

"My toes got stepped on tonight...but were gonna have a new walk now, Thank You."

"My marriage was secret for two years. Through these seminars, I have learned that we all are going through the same things and we are here for each other."

"Since the last seminar God is with me every day and I am in Awe of His grace."

"To be able to sit next to each other and read the bible together and worship together really to he'd my heart."

"I told him we gotta fix it this weekend and Were going to fix it this weekend."

"My husband has done 13 years and I have been here since day 1. Now my husband is coming home in 13 days."

Thank you very much for all of your support. Please continue to pray for our group and for the thirteen hour day we have ahead of us tomorrow. We will be heading back to the prison at 630am tomorrow.

Javier Mendoza Http://

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