Monday, March 19, 2012

Casa Cielo Visit

He are just a few photos from Casa Cielo. We visited with Papa Jones last year and got to hear part of his vision for his children and how they are going to change the future of Honduras. This time we had the honor of once again staying on the property. We love sitting and hearing the heart of these two proud parents. How they describe their family is a joy to hear. We will be coming back this summer and spending a week with them and over the next few weeks will be sharing some of their story and how you can get involved. To see and hear how these children interact with Papa and Mama Jones is a must see. The love and passion that is in their midst is heavy and makes the day bright.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Cosas de Dios (Things of God)

The last thing anyone wants on a drive to dinner with friends is a car accident.  This is especially true when you're in another country.  But that's exactly what happened to us here in Honduras. 

We had dropped off our luggage at the mission house and were on our way to dinner when … BAM!  Another truck had smashed into our truck; our rented truck.  

You can imagine the questions and thoughts that run through your mind.  "Is everyone ok?  How are things like this handled in Honduras?  How much will this cost?  What do we do now?"

The young man driving the other truck quickly said he would call his mother.  By the time she arrived we had determined that everyone on the team and in the other truck were fine, only the vehicles were damaged.  We were also discussing how to complete the repairs.  

The mother immediately recommended taking the truck to the dealership in town for the repairs.  Since it was late at night we decided to meet at the dealership the next day. 

Before we left the crash site the mother, Eva Menendez, said to me in English, "I am sorry for your trouble.". 

I answered her, "Esta es un oportunidad para las cosas de Dios (This is an opportunity for the things of God)."

Turns out that Eva had worked 20 years for the Dole fruit company as an agricultural engineer and has a heart to help orphaned children.  We are planning a return trip to this city in June to work at Casa Cielo, a local orphanage lead by a fellow CFNI graduate.  When I explained our plans and invited her to join us she immediately agreed.  I believe her involvement in this project will prove to be a blessing to her and Casa Cielo. 

I don't recommend recruiting team members by crashing into them but then again, whose to say what things can become things of God.

PS Eva decided to pay 100% of the replacement and repair costs and took us to a very good repair shop where the truck was repaired and we were on our way. 


Casa Cielo Visit

He are just a few photos from Casa Cielo. We visited with Papa Jones last year and got to hear part of his vision for his children and how they are going to change the future of Honduras. This time we had the honor of once again staying on the property. We love sitting and hearing the heart of these two proud parents. How they describe their family is a joy to hear. We will be coming back this summer and spending a week with them and over the next few weeks will be sharing some of their story and how you can get involved. To see and hear how these children interact with Papa and Mama Jones is a must see. The love and passion that is in their midst is heavy and makes the day bright.

Florida Connect Tampa Bay Meeting

I am inviting you to come hear me speak at a very special meeting in Tampa  CONNECT Tampa Bay is an exciting gatheriing for Pastors in the Central Florida region  this is the third meeting in 2 years and expected to be the largest turn out so far. 


Read more info below and then head over to the main website for registration details



You will not want to miss this afternoon luncheon with other like minded pastors.
Our aim is To CONNECT pastors who share a similar mission.
To REFRESH others though conversation.
To ENCOURAGE those who need a boost.
Please click below to RSVP or
Sign Up in person at


ORGANIC LIFE Cafe & Bakery 


Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Florida Trip March 2012

i just wanted to update you on a few dates i have booked to speak in the next month  you can always find my updated schedule on the wviw website or by clicking here


here are the most current dates and times for my services and speaking engagements  




Saturday, March 10, 2012

Four Financial Principles

Four Financial Principles to Live By:





Travis Moffitt
Connect Global
A Ministry of Worldwide Voice In The Wilderness

Friday, March 9, 2012

Correctional Officers Update

This weekend's Marriage Seminar is under way and Betty and I are very excited. We really do look forward all year to getting to this weekend.

We have the honor of serving this weekend 6 Correctional Officers and their spouses. They are hardworking and often times find themselves in a very tough spot at home because of their work. 

We want to be a support and an encouragement to the entire system of corrections and want to become a part of the betterment of marriages and relationships no matter the circumstances. 

Thank you to the volunteer couples who have come this weekend to help Betty and I . Without our excellent group of volunteer team members, we could not do what we do. 

Please keep us in your prayers this weekend. 

Thank You 

Johnny Moffitt

WVIW Marriage Seminar for Correctional Staff

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