Monday, July 27, 2009

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The Huntsville Prison Unit releases 150 men from its walls everyday, 5 days a week. The doors swing open, they are given $50 of "gate" money and "We Just Turn 'em out and hope for the best."

These men have spent anywhere from 4years to 11 years, or even 20 years locked up, some of them have families waiting to pick them up, but most do not. The two things these men all have in common is prison, and the fact that according to statistics approximately three-fourths of these men being released EVERYDAY, WILL commit another crime and WILL be put back in prison.

Unless we do something to help them Change.

Steve Blow in the Dallas Morning News today reminds us that:

"The front end of the justice program we know well. Crime and arrest, trial, and sentencing – All that gets a lot of attention. But the back end occurs largely out of sight, though it's just as or more important in the fight against crime."

Worldwide Voice in the Wilderness deals with this large unseen portion of this criminal justice program. We are in the prisons, in the parole offices, on the streets all aimed at helping these men and women transition back in to society and become givers not takers.

We have seen and lived the statistics.

We are here to tell you, It is up to us all, as a community, as a city, and as a state to turn these numbers upside down. If we can reach these men and women who are moving back to our city and into our neighborhoods and commit to them our time and our resources we WILL make a difference and we WILL see the Change.

Fewer criminals = less crime.

This takes work and it takes money, and it takes a commitment of passionate people to step up and say "Yes, I want a safer neighborhood for my family".

Worldwide Voice In the Wilderness is committed to doing just that. We want to not only bring the gospel to the Prisons of the state we want the State Prison to release men and women who are not looking to commit another crime when released but who want to start a new life without a crime and without pain. We are looking to help these men and women Change not just for themselves, but for all of us.

These men and women are our future neighbors here in Dallas, please stand with WVIW and Together, Let's make a way for these men and women to have a chance at a better, safer and happier life.

Please Visit our Website for more info and to make an online donation towards a

Safer State and Safer Country.

Blow, S. (2009, July 27). Newly freed inmates face different walls on the outside. Retrieved July 27th, 2009, from

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Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Q. Why a Transitional Home? A. It Works.

It is for men like, Sie Davis, Edward Chambers, and Ronnie Towler that we have established a Transitional Home. The Worldwide Voice In the Wilderness Transitional Home's mission is to inspire and create change in the hearts of those just out of prison or on parole that are looking for a new way to live. We are seeing it do just that. With 10 Years out, 2.5 years out, and 6 months out, respectively, Sie, Ed, and Ronnie, will tell you why WVIW has a Transitional Home. "It Works!"
Our residents are given the opportunity to learn from men like Sie, Edward, and Ronnie. These men have been there, in the depths of despair, and in spite of their outward circumstances made the decision to live for God. WVIW is a conduit of God's mercy and love used to restore what the world tried to take from these men.
We are asking you to become a part of the Change by extending opportunities to not only invest in the lives of two or three men, but of a generation. We believe that our efforts have the ability and depth needed to make a measurable impact on the lives of men and their families for years to come.

Please Read the articles below or Go to Our Website to learn more about Ronnie, Edward, Sie and all of our Efforts at the Transitional House.
The WVIW Philemon Group is a group of partners who give each month to the ongoing support of the Transitional Home.

YOU can help us by becoming one of....
  • 10 people to give $100.00/month,
  • 25 people to give $50.00/month, and
  • 50 people giving $25.00/month.
This will make up a permanent support team for the support of the Transitional Home. As a member of the Philemon Group, you will receive periodic letters of appreciation from our residents, photographs of residents and events, and CD's of messages preached by Johnny, Betty, Travis, or Sie.

We are receiving applications from new men almost daily.
Please help us turn ex-prisoners into future leaders.
There are several ways you can give. You can give at our Website; by bank draft, or by mail.

A Fighting Chance

Edward Chambers came to WVIW in the summer of 2007. He currently serves as the Director of our Transitional Home, displaying leadership and wisdom to help our men get on and stay on the right path. He teaches and guides our Transitional Home residents with respect and character. Through WVIW's Transitional Home Program, Edward is able to offer them something they have never had in their lifetime. A fighting chance.

Edward knows a lot about not having a fighting chance. Edward spent 25 years living in a place with no more chances and no more hope. He was locked up 4 separate times. When he was released on December 13, 2006, he had served 17 ½ years.

He and Sie Davis (now Director of Overcomers for WVIW) met in Dallas and have known each other since childhood. They were both in and out of prison for 2 decades but managed to stay in touch. When Edward was released he quickly reconnected with Sie.

This time they didn't reconnect on the streets, they reconnected in Church.

Edward realized there was no way of staying out with the track he had made for himself. He allowed God to take control of his life. Edward Chambers is a changed man. In late 2006, he began mentoring and training under Sie's leadership and in 6 short months was named Director of The Transitional Home for WVIW.

Worldwide Voice In the Wilderness' Transitional Home has become the outlet that allows Edward to give our residents the same hope for change he was given.

With Edward's leadership, our residents can now have their Own Fighting Chance.

Fore More Information on our Transitional Home Please Visit Our Website

Transitional Home resident celebrates 6 months OUT

"First of all, I thank God for blessing me to be able to parole to WVIW Transitional Home when I was released, and I also would like to thank Mr. Moffitt for giving me a chance. [WVIW] is probably the best Transitional Home in Dallas. To make a house a Home there has to be love and compassion in the house, and WVIW, has truly been a HOME to me.

After getting out, I'm being accountable for my actions because I know I can't lean on my own understanding anymore. It's all about having faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who is the head of my life today and forever."

-Ronnie Towler, Transitional Home Resident since December 29, 2009

Ronnie spent most of his life trying to make it work his way. Instead, he found himself spending four years in prison. Deciding God wanted him to turn from a life of imprisonment gave him the chance to be paroled to WVIW's Transitional Home.

While at The Transitional Home Ronnie has gained a renewed encouragement and steadfastness in living life for God. He has had the support of Edward and Sie, WVIW's leaders in After Care Programs. Ronnie's gratitude can be seen in his words, but the Change can be seen in his actions. He is gainfully employed, engages in WVIW's programs and is eager to take his life to the next level.

Over half a year has passed since Ronnie Towler walked through the doors of The Transitional Home. He hasn't looked back.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Americans are facing hard and uncertain times.

There is news of recession, national security, and uncertainty as to "what to do next".

At Worldwide Voice in the Wilderness, we are committed to staying the course we set out on over 30 years ago. We are and will continue to go into prison and share the Message of Hope and Salvation through Jesus Christ to the Prisoners of the State of Texas, The US and of the World.

Mark 16:15 (New International Version)

15He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation

WVIW, exists to spread the full gospel message of Jesus Christ to prisoners, professional correctional people, victims of crime, and their respective families.

In Texas we are facing tremendous needs. At the end of Fiscal Year 2007, TDCJ held 152,661 offenders in prisons and state jails. TDCJ supervised 431,495 people on probation and 103,122 parolees. There are 71,000 plus currently incarcerated in county jails, and Texas' criminal justice system has more than ¾ of a million people under its control – about one out of every 21 adults.

TDCJ received 73,525 new prisoners in Fy2007 and released 72,032, representing significant growth but at a much slower rate than in recent years. The youngest offender who entered prison in FY2007 was 15 years old, and the oldest was 88.

These are staggering numbers. These men, women, and children are our mission field. Not only the prisoners, but we are serving their families and caretakers as well. And this is just in Texas.

They Need Help.

We Need YOU.

Your prayers and gifts of support are what fuel our efforts. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Please Consider making a Monthly Donation to allow us to continue the work God has set before us.

We WILL Carry on the Message of Christ, Recession or NOT.

Click Here To Donate

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