Then He said to them, "My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me." -Matthew 26:38It is always quite interesting to me to observe the requests made by Almighty God upon mortal men and women. Jesus being fully man and fully God in one being made this request to His fully human disciples: "keep watch with me" or "pray with me."
Jesus had already eaten His last meal with these, His closest companions. He had discussed things that were about to take place. Things that were not easy to talk about. Things even more difficult to experience. At this moment, the moment of His greatest fight, what does He request? Answer: someone to pray with Him.
It amazes me that the God of the universe would ask for prayer, but He did. His simple request was, "stay and pray with me a while." Keep the watch with me so that I don't have to go it alone. Walk this spiritual path with me for a bit. Let's sojourn together down the road of intercession. Stay and pray with me a while.
How often is our request the same? How much more often should it be? Do we ask enough for prayer or do we attempt to go it alone? Do we humble ourselves often enough to expose a need, a sorrow unto death? Or do we mask our fears and hide our hearts attempting in vain to face our demons alone?
At WVIW we are asking. We are asking how we may pray for you and we are asking you to pray for us. God is teaching us how the practice of prayer with and for one another connects us in unique and powerful ways. Ways of connection that we desire. Ways of connection that we need.
Let us learn together from our Teacher, Jesus. Let us keep watch with one another for a while. Please pray for us and allow us to pray for you.
Travis Moffitt
Associate Director
Worldwide Voice In the Wilderness