Thursday, June 24, 2010

Change: Letter From our Directors

This is a time when change is everywhere in America. "Change" was the buzz word that got a president elected. "Change" is occurring around us and in us. "Change" is happening in every area of business, church, missions, family, and even life style today. "Change" has become the constant upon which we can count.
There are people in the Bible whose lives were completely altered by the "change" that occurred in their lives.
Jacob's name (who he was) was changed from "trickster" to Israel, or "prevails with God" (who he now is).
Abram's name was changed from "exalted father", to Abraham, or "father of a multitude". It was no longer all about him, but it was about him looking after many.
Saul's name was changed to Paul. The greatest persecutor of the early church became it's greatest champion on the road to Damascus.
All of these changes were necessary, productive, and good. These changes were also very hard. As I look at my own life and ministry, I see many seasons of change. All were necessary, productive, and good; but difficult. I feel in my spirit that this is another one of those times.
We are experiencing much change at WVIW. We have grown from a core team of two (Johnny & Betty) to a team of six (including Travis & Gina and Javier & Danielle). We have welcomed new Team Members on each of our last several Marriage Seminars. Our ways of communicating have been transformed to meet the times. And today we have redirected funds into a virtual office setting, both saving the ministry significant resources and totally changing the way we function on a day to day basis.
As we grow through these changes we find that truly we are the ones most changed. Our hearts undergo a greater metamorphosis than our circumstances.
"Since it was customary for the king to consult experts in matters of law and justice, he spoke with the wise men who understood the times" Esther 1:13
Times and circumstances change.
As they do, wise men will adjust to them. In doing so the challenge becomes to not compromise the calling or the message. As a faith ministry, we must continually be aware of the times. And we must continually be aware of what God is doing in our hearts. We must adjust our staffing, business practices, and budget issues.
In light of the many changes here at WVIW, we will not waver on our commitment to God, our call to the neglected peoples of the world, our commitment to excellence and integrity, or our appreciation of our partners.
While change is inevitable, these unchanging things provide the stability we need to navigate our lives and ministry. Thank God, He never changes in his character and love for us. We can depend on Him. We can depend on His word. We can depend on His love.
Don't fear change in your life. Embrace the necessary changes. They will be hard, and they will hurt. But, the results will be far greater then you could ever imagine. Trust in God and His love for you. Lean on His word. He is faithful to His promises.
Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever. Hebrews 13:8

Nelson Mandela noted, "There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have altered."

Johnny & Travis Moffitt
Director & Associate Director

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