Monday, December 27, 2010

WVIW Relationship with Amigos De Fe

Our team has just concluded a week-long trip into central Mexico to visit with a great group of ministry partners in Puebla Mexico. Amigos De Fe is a ministry of great leadership, and supernatural provision. They have been blessed with an excellent group of servant leaders, a wealth of government favor, and are brimming with spiritual maturity.

One of the most attractive attributes you will notice immediately when visiting Amigos De Fe, is their firm commitment to building and serving the kingdom of God. Amigos De Fe is headed by to great Apostles, Denzil & Rebecca Hood. Their leadership has contributed to the phenomenal growth of their fellowship here in Mexico and across the country though home churches as well as the Internet, radio, and television. Pastor Denzil will tell you, their mission is clear, "find the lost, and equip the found".
They have been successfully completing this mission for almost 20 years here in Mexico.
Amigos De Fe, means friends of faith, and this ministry is indeed built completely on faith. Over twenty years ago, Denzil received a word from God to give up his successful businesses in the united states and move his family to Mexico. Rebecca was born and raised in Mexico while her family served God as missionaries and were even responsible for founding the Church of God in Panama.
Rebecca had moved to the United States to go to school, get married, and spend her life here raising her family. She never imagined God would be calling her family back to place of her birth to be a part of creating a worldwide ministry. Nor did she think she would be responsible for being the first Christian voice on the radio in a country where it was illegal to preach, or heard by the 45million people in Mexico City and making real connections with 500 individuals every day.
She never thought she would but she heard God say "if you go I will Provide" so, she and Denzil went and God has provided.
Their mission has not been without challenges. To hear the story of the past two decades first hand, you can see many times when it would have made sense to just give up. Pack up their children. Move back to the US and begin another work.
The reason they did not is Faith.
The faith they display is powerful, it is real, and they have several thousand testimonies to add to the kingdom of God for it. Rebecca and Denzil both are very proud and humbled by the work God has allowed them to be a part of in Mexico. Each of their leaders and head pastors are very gracious, and very good at giving credit where it is due. God.
If you ask anyone why this ministry has survived they will without hesitation answer, "de Dios" or "because of God". Everyone here serves one another with a spirit of grace and love, not of duty or obligation even though they all feel called to do so by God himself. It becomes a privilege and and honor to serve. Whether they serve by cooking, cleaning, pastoring, singing, teaching, accounting, discipling, or even driving around 7 Americans from 6 in the morning until 12 at night. They all do it because of God.
Amigos De Fe has several different areas they serve the Country of Mexico in. They are involved in feeding children and battered & abused women, addiction recovery, prison ministry. They provide free medical care and legal services for families who cant afford it, as well as respond to natural disasters such as the recent flooding in eastern Mexico. This is all in addition to discipling thousands of people throughout their several church campuses and extensive home church network.
Even With all this work being done, and the accomplishments they have achieved, they are still actively seeking out the next project, and trying to find out where God would have them focus.
Two of the upcoming projects Worldwide Voice In the Wilderness hopes to collaborate with Amigos de Fe on are as follows:
A system of dormitories for the children and women they see at the feeding centers
A roof for the congregation in Oaxaca, Mx to meet under when it rains
A large complex to house disciples going though evangelistic retreats as well as missionaries visiting Mexico
We hope that you will join with us in prayer for this very special ministry. Amigos De Fe is a great blessing to Mexico and a great inspiration for the rest of us. If you would like more information on how you can partner with WVIW on one or all of the upcoming projects in Mexico please email us at

Monday, December 13, 2010

WVIW team lends a hand in the kitchen

Mondays are all hands on deck here at Amigos De Fe.

This is the day when each of the pastors come together to get encouraged from the previous weekends services and get the new focus for the week ahead.

Today there will be a big dinner for all of the Pastors here at the corporate office of Amigos De Fe.

Our team diligently stepped up and offered to help with the preparation of the meal. The photos show our team in action!

Javier Mendoza
Worldwide Voice In the Wilderness
(214) 725-4352

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WVIW team in Mexican Men's Prison

Today our team is headed back into prison to the Men's unit. This unit has approximately 5000 men and was only made for 3000.

One of our team members, Gabriel, left early this morning already to head home. Please pray for safe and rapid travels back to Dallas.

Today we also have the opportunity to spend several hours serving the pastors of Amigos De Fe. They have an enormous job here in Mexjco and we want to be as big of a support as possible.

Please continue to pray for all of us and keep watching and reading our posts. We appreciate all if the comments and shared stories.


Javier Mendoza
Worldwide Voice In the Wilderness

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Friday, December 10, 2010

WVIW Team Leadership Seminar

Our team just wrapped up the second day of teaching in Puebla.

We next head to Mexico City to speak to several hundred members of Amigos De Fe Church tomorrow.

Please continue to keep our team in your prayers.

You can find more info on WVIW at these sites.

WVIW Teaches at Amigos De Fé Leadership Seminar in Puebla Mexico

We have been met with a great welcome from the leaders of Amigos De Fe and been treated to several great blessings.
The main blessings have been the ability to spend so much time in the prison here and see so many people encouraged through the opening sessions of the Leadership Seminar.
James Clayton of Carpenter Ministry from Atlanta Texas, spoke on unity and teamwork. He is a dynamic and powerful speaker and gave a very motivating message. He spoke on fundamentals of building unity through leadership and how God honors those who are unified for His purpose.
We also heard from our associate director Travis Moffitt. Travis gives every topic a personal and strategic element. He very effectively inspires a moving towards life change and presents in a way that speaks to different generations equally well.
Travis and James rounded out the evening which also included engaging music, and a spiritually moving time of prayer. What became very quickly evident was the fact the the individuals were ready and anxious to receive rest, and rejuvenation in ministry. They have worked hard and constantly to build the ministry of Amigos De Fe and are a blessed with huge success in the wake of their commitment to the work.
Amigos de Fe is responsible for near 4000 home group churches spread across central Mexico, reaching tens of thousands through television and radio, as well as creating an extensive online network of partners and subscribers that stretches across the globe and numbers in the hundreds of thousands.
With all of the work and success comes fatigue. Their leaders are exhausted and are in need of physical and spiritual rest. They are finding time to rest as they create transition in the ministry from one generation of leaders to the next.
We will speak with Chris Chantres today about what he is doing with the young adults here in Puebla and across the country of Mexico.
Check back regularly for more info from Mexico.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

WVIW Team Prison Visit Recap

We were able to share our morning with several of the leaders from Amigos De Fe visiting with over ten percent of the women at the largest Women's facility in Puebla.

28 women asked us to pray for them to receive Christ into their lives and our team prayed with each one individually.

Three of our team members shared personal life stories with the women and one of our men shared a great sermon.

Check out this video of the WVIW Team Prison visit.
Check out this video of the WVIW Team Prison visit.

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WVIW Team Members heading into Prison

Our team is heading into prison this morning. Please keep us in your prayers today.

Thank you

WVIW Team Member arrival in Puebla Mexico

WVIW in Mexico with Amigos De Fé

Thank you for your support and prayer this week as 7 WVIW Team Members all travel to Central Mexico for 8 days. We have made great reconnection with Amigos De Fé and plan for a great week of teaching and training, as well as ministry inside some of the areas most dangerous prisons.
Our team visited Mexico in 2008 impacting the communities of Puebla, and Mexico City with insightful leadership training and meaningful prison visitation. Johnny and Betty Moffitt taught several prison leadership training sessions, as well as several small group seminars with the charge of training and developing leaders for evangelism.
Amigos De Fe is a powerfully life changing ministry that is developing the next generation of church and community leaders and business owners in central Mexico.  They are establishing several churches every weekend, and helping hundreds of motivated community leaders become successful business owners each year.  
WVIW will spend several days helping train and motivate hundreds of leaders through material created  and crafted by Dr. Morris Sheats as well as material from John Maxwell.
Our team plans to visit at least three prisons while in Puebla. In 2008 our team was redirected from several prisons due to heightened security and general unrest in Mexico City. This week we are praying that each prison would be willing and open to having us inside. Johnny and Betty Moffitt have spent 35 years ministering inside prison walls in over 15 countries and the prisons of Mexico still have a keen way of heading a short list of prisons they would never turn down an invitation to visit.
We hope you will spend extra time this week praying and thinking of us and would take a moment to also share this blog with your friends. Every time you take a second to email, facebook, or repost our messages, you open up an opportunity for someone new to learn about our organization as well as facilitate someone engaging with WVIW who may need our ministry or support from WVIW in some way.
We rely heavily on the Internet to spread the news of our ministry and you help keep us on the hearts and minds of thousands of individuals all around the world.
Thank you
WVIW Staff

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

WVIW Team in Houston waiting to board plane to Mexico

WVIW Team Heads for Mexico

Our team of 7 are at DFW airport and heading for Mexico. Our flight leaves at 320 pm today so please keep us on your prayer and on your minds then and through the rest of your day as we travel. Thanks for your partnership and positive support.

We are hopefully going to be able to update you as often as possible. please stay connected this week through and


Saturday, November 20, 2010

WVIW Marriage Seminar Saturday Update

Thank you to Kyle and Shanna for being a vital part of our Team. You both are always a great addition to a WVIW Marriage Seminar and have already shared quite a bit with the group!

Friday, November 19, 2010

WVIW Marriage Seminar Team Members

We just wanted to say what a great blessing it is to have such a great group of Team members at EVERY Marriage Seminar. This week we are blessed with an amazing team from first timers to every timers.

Please stay tuned here all weekend as we try and get updates, pictures and hopefully more video from the seminar. Please keep our staff and our couples in your prayers.

Thank you to all who support our ministry and I pray God blesses you this weekend for blessing us!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

WVIW Upcoming events

The fall is here and we are gearing up for our upcoming events.

We want you to be a part of each event this season and tell your friends about it.

The first event coming up is the Marriage Seminar at the Coffield unit on November 19-21. This is a great part of our ministry and if you have not already signed up to go then please do so. One major way you can contribute to this ministry is by praying. We always need several people praying during the seminar from back home. If you would be willing to become a WVIW Prayer Team partner please email us or use the online signup form.

Second big event you can help us with is GIVE:Christmas. You may remember from last year hearing about or even helping with this huge ministry. We are again looking for several partners to help by contributing funds to our GIVE campaign. All the proceeds will go to benefit a family we have personally met through our Marriage Seminars and are in need of financial help this holiday season. Please partner with us this year to help a family or two. all it takes is 10 dollars to sponsor a child, 20 to sponsor 2 children or 50 to sponsor an entire family. By giving you are part of a ge network of individuals who want to make a difference inthe lives of children affected by incarceration of a parent.

Lastly we want to ask you to join us in participating in Mission to Mexico. This December we will be in Puebla Mexico from December 8-15, and need your support. You can give financially to help us spread the gospel through teaching and training materials, you can also give monetarily to aide in financing a Team Members Trip. The total cost per Team Member is 1700 dollars. If you are interested in either becoming a WVIW Team Member or would like to help contribute financially to this great mission please contact Travis Moffitt at 972.234.6009.

Thanks for taking time to catch up on our upcoming events and please let us know what you need us to pray for. You can email us or even leave a comment below to tell us how we can help you.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

WVIW Mission to Mexico

Mission to Mexico by Worldwide Voice In the Wilderness is an outreach focused on making a Kingdom impact deep into the heart of Mexico. At WVIW we are partnering with Amigos de Fe, a vibrant church in Puebla, Mexico, about an hours drive from Mexico City.

With Amigos de Fe we are reaching into the areas of daily life with the greatest need for the Gospel, the Prison Inmates and Business Owners. This December, from the 8th through the 15th, we will spend 8 days in Puebla training prison ministers, visiting Mexican prisons, encouraging Godly business owners, and equipping the saints for the work of the ministry. This is an incredible opportunity and open door of favor.
You are invited to come along! This is an open mission trip sponsored by Worldwide Voice In the Wilderness and you are invited to join us. At WVIW we are committed to Mobilize Teams to Reach Neglected & Forgotten Communities around the World. We want you to be a part of this team.

The trip cost is $1700 per Team Member. As a team we work together to raise support for each Team Member. We have seen God work incredible miracles of provision as we work and pray together in preparation for the trip. If God puts it in your heart to join us, don’t let the price keep you away. He certainly won’t let it.

To apply online click here.

WVIW Travis Moffitt Speaking this weekend

Please help support WVIW Minsitries by visiting River of Life Church or ELIM Oasis Church this weekend. Travis Moffitt will be speaking in Clifton Texas in the Mornng and in Houston Texas the same evening! You will be blessed and encouraged.

Please let us know if you need more information!

Monday, October 25, 2010

WVIW Ministries Summitt Church

 Johnny Moffitt will be speaking at Summitt Church. If you have the opportunity to please come join us and hear a special message from Johnny.

If you would like more info please email us or call 972-234-6009

WVIW Marriage Seminar Coffield Unit

We are happy to announce our upcoming Marriage Seminar at the Coffield Unit. The dates of the seminar are November 19-21 and we are looking forward to another spectacular event.

If you are interested in being a part of this life changing time please fill out our online application for Team Members. 

We are very excited bout the opportunity to have you join us and look forward to hearing from you!

Friday, September 10, 2010

WVIW Prayer Team

If you would be interested in becoming a part of the WVIW Prayer Team please let us know either by emailing or by clicking on signup button to the right. 

We will add you to our prayer request email list and will send you periodic emails containing requests WVIW has received for prayer. 

Thank you for serving in this way. 

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

WVIW Marriage Seminar Recap

     This Past Weekend we had the honor of being at the Jester Unit in Rosenberg near Houston. We invited almost thirty wives who were approved by the prison to attend with their husbands and about twenty five responded. The prison imposed a limit of twenty wives due to the room capacity so we had a handful of wives who immediately went to a waiting list.
     We had a few wives who had to cancel their reservation for the seminar and with the waiting list  filled with eagerly awaiting wives the spots were very quickly replaced. Several wives who had no way of attending were now in the final count and on their way along with several other wives and 17 volunteers.
     Our weekend Marriage Seminars are always a huge rush of excitement and anticipation and this past seminar was no exception.
     From the volunteers to the wives there seemed to be an extra special attention being paid to every detail and anxious anticipation of what the weekend would provide.
     You can read our earlier posts on Friday and Saturday here
     We spent Sunday in a very reverent attitude and really focused ourselves on what would be one of the most fruitful and exciting days of the weekend.
     Saturday night we had 14 individuals pray to accept Christ into their lives as well as several who recommitted themselves to God in the presence of their spouses. So Sunday was extra special because now the couples could stand before the room and share what God had done in their lives and in their marriages over the past 48 hours. Many shared how they had renewed their relationship with Christ because of having the time to really discuss God and life matters with their spouse for the first time ever. In regular visitation wives have only two hours a week to speak with their husbands and many do not even have that many hours due to distance and other factors. That means that this past weekend during our seminar many couples had more time together with their spouse than in a year of visitation. That is a huge imbalance but this weekend made all the difference for them and they ALL took advantage of it!
     One wife even said that even though she has already believed in God and known Jesus, she has not had the opportunity to REALLY see Jesus until this weekend. Now here and her husband have a new foundation on which to build their NEW life with each other and with God.
     Several wives have already contacted us about finding a church and plugging into a strong and faithful community NOW while their husbands are still incarcerated so that when he is released they can already be a part of a strong body of believers and have a solid place to worship together.
     If you would like to be a part of our next Seminar which will be held in November, please click here and fill out our WVIW Team Member Application online. If you have volunteered with us before or have already filled out our Application then you do not have to do again, but please email us and let us know your interested in attending in November.

WVIW Ministry Update by Johnny Moffitt

"Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. I thank my God every time I remember you. 4In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, 6being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. It is right for me to feel this way about all of you, since I have you in my heart; for whether I am in chains or defending and confirming the gospel, all of you share in God's grace with me. God can testify how I long for all of you with the affection of Christ Jesus.” Philippians 1:2-8
     Recently WVIW conducted a “Marriage Seminar” in the Jester III Prison with twenty couples.  From the very beginning, I knew God had something special planned.  For one thing the devil was coming against it every way he could.  Our communication director, had car trouble on the way to the unit, and had to leave his car to be repaired.  Five registered wives had to cancel for one reason or another.  One of our team member’s son unexpectedly passed away during the seminar.  One wife’s mother was rushed to the hospital.  Another’s two children were so emotionally troubled by their mother being gone for three days that the wife had to return home Saturday night.
     Through all of this, God moved.  There was a waiting list, so the ladies who had to cancel were replaced by other couples.  The team member whose son passed away decided to stay and finish the seminar.  The mother who was rushed to the hospital was treated and released, and is doing fine.  The wife who returned home Saturday was ministered to and the children are fine.  Praise the Lord!
     Although the devil always tries to stop these seminars, he always fails.  One couple stated their marriage was over, but as a result of this seminar they decided to stay together.  All twenty couples renewed their commitment to each other and the marriage.  Fourteen people prayed to receive Christ.  One man who was an elder in the Wicca Church, Satan worshipers church, received Christ.  Sunday morning we had a service where several others renounced all past involvement in similar lifestyles .  It was a tremendous time.
     We need your help to continue this type of ministry.  Please consider making WVIW a part of your regular giving to the work of God.  WVIW is reaching the neglected and forgotten peoples of the world.  
     Right now, will you write out the best check you can to WVIW, or go to our web site,, and mail your gift or give on line.  All those who are saved or ministered by our teams are credited to your account in heaven.   
     Thank you for all you do.

Your servant,

Johnny Moffitt, D.Min.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

WVIW Marriage Seminar Saturday Update

Saturday is the longest of the three day seminar and always proves to be one of the most rewarding adventures of all! We always have so much to fit in and even with the long hours (7a-830p) we sometimes wish we had even more time to get more done. Today was an incredible example of this statement.
It started out with a fantastic breakfast followed by teaching by Betty Moffitt. We learned about communication and how to listen as well as really hear our spouses when they talk to us. It is up to all of us to pull the bits out of the seminar that will be of specific help in our relationship. 

After the teachings we had ample opportunity to key in and focus on the teachings and spent the time connecting with our small groups. 

Typically small group time is one of the most adored and sought after times. This is a time when you can really soak up what has just occurred and really dig in to some issues that may be clouding our relationship with our spouse. Each person can take as much or as little of the time to discuss and work through some of the challenges that are being faced. 

After lunch we had more time to learn and glean from each of the teachers through a portion called Split Session in which we take the men to one room and the ladies to another for female specific an male specific discussion time. It seems ironic to divide up the rooms by gender when this is a Marriage Seminar, but this time really benefits each couple more than they would expect. This affords each individual the opportunity to listen to their spouses side of the story without censorship through the voices of the opposite sex via our Team Members. We have several Team Members who have been in the exact same situation as the couples and have volumes of information ready to be poured into their lives. The men Team Members speak into the female participants lives, while across the building, the female volunteers accomplish the same. At the end of this session the participants are encouraged to ask ANYthing they want to of the Team Members and they DO! It is a great time of openness and honesty. 

After more small group time, we had the opportunity to hear several life altering testimonies as well as a powerful take on the story of Jonah taught by Johnny Moffitt. 

Several people responded Saturday night by accepting Jesus into their lives for the first time as well as several who decided to recommit themselves to God in front of their spouses for the first time. 

It gives our Team great joy to spend the time here with the couples and many of us have made serious bonds with the couples this weekend. 

Sunday will be another hard hitting day so please stay tuned and keep us in your prayers. We will be posting more updates and more pictures as the day progresses. Thank you ! 

WVIW Marriage Seminar Encouragement

Here is a letter we recieved using our Mobile YouVersion online Marriage Seminar minisite hope your blessed!
My wife and I wish so much that we could be there for our fellow couples tonight. If we were we would tell them that God will see them through this. We know the obstacle in front of each of those individual lives and marriages can seem insurmountable at times, but with God's direction and help, they are going to make it. Just like we did! May the rest of this weekend be a time for healing, sharing and growth, and may each couple experience the love that can only be found in our Lord Jesus. He can carry their burdens through this difficult time in their lives. And when they reach that glorious day of parole, they will look back and see that this weekend was one He gave to them to share as a couple. Enjoy this moment and please know that life out here together, which is what we all are wanting, is made even sweeter after overcoming the obstacle of incarceration. God bless each of you ladies for your courage, your determination, and your heroism. Your husbands are coming home to a blessing that only God could provide. And thank you volunteers for giving of your lives to some of the most incredible people you will ever meet. Couples affected by, but still overcoming incarceration.
Now that is LOVE!
Greg & Melissa Alvis

Saturday, August 28, 2010

WVIW Marriage Seminar Friday Update

Thank you all, first and foremost, for being such faithful supporters of our ministry and for following along each and every time we have a marriage seminar. You have touched us deeply and you give us much to be thankful for. We are blessed as a ministry because of our partners like you who continually "show up" in such an incredible way. 

Todays opening was a great success. I think that by all accounts the consensus would be that today really marked a special and unique time for all. There are so many lives being impacted this weekend even from just being here one day. We never doubt the presence of God, but today was an especially blessed and anointed day. 

We started out at our team meeting and gave special instructions to all of our team members to do nothing this weekend but let God work. We believe we are called to be servants and not take this time for self promotion but for God promotion. Everyone has there own special relationship with God, and if all we are used to do is to set the stage for His show, then we have been used mightily in the Kingdom and are eternally grateful. 

We heard powerful testimonies, moving songs, and a stirring word. It is safe to say that everyone in the room connected in a profound way and are all anticipating the blessing coming in the next two days. 

We are posting a gallery of photos here as well as a Short YouTube "highlight reel" of the day that we hope you will enjoy. We would love to hear your comments and would love to pass along a prayer from you to our couples. If you have something you would like to share please fill in the comment section below or leave a comment at

Thursday, August 26, 2010

WVIW Marriage Seminar Team Member Dinner

     Wow what a great day.
     Our team is all here in Rosenberg getting ready for the marriage seminar that starts tomorrow. The stories of seminars passed and time served have already began. Dinner is almost served and our team is getting comfortable with each other through all the varied conversations. There are not many places that are better to spend a weeknight.
     We are blessed to know so many selfless, honorable and giving people. One of the best parts of WVIW is our volunteering Team Members. Without this group of individuals our ministry would not be nearly as effective and not at all this fun.
     We hope you will stay in touch this weekend and follow along as we update on our progress.
     If you would like to be a part of our next seminar please fill out our Team Member Application here

     Thank You for your prayers and participation.

Remaining Fruit by Johnny Moffitt of WVIW

John 15:16 (New International Version)

16"You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit—fruit that will last. Then the Father will give you whatever you ask in my name."
     I have been thinking about this verse a lot lately.  It was when God spoke this verse to me some twenty-five years ago, that we changed the primary focus of this ministry from evangelism to discipleship.  The first seven years of WVIW we saw tens of thousands of prisoners born again.  We would hold crusades in as many as ten prisons at one time.  In 1986 we were part of the National Prison Invasion and were responsible for crusades in 35 prisons on one weekend.  I believe in evangelism.
     In 1985, God spoke to me and said, "How many of your fruit remain?"  I could count them on one hand.  I was broken.  I went into earnest prayer.  That is when I made the decision to focus on "remaining fruit."  We began to take the "Overcomers" Christian twelve step program into the prisons.  Later on we developed the "Manhood Seminars".  Also in 1985, Betty and I attended our first in-prison "WVIW Marriage Seminar."  It was at that seminar, where our commitment to discipleship was confirmed.
     Now as I think about my fruit that remains, it is difficult to count them all.  I think of the man who helped start WVIW, now directing a powerful ministry on the Navajo Reservation in New Mexico.  Then there are three men from three different state prison systems who are now directing Transitional Houses in their respective states.  One prisoner, born again when I preached in Attica Prison in New York, became the Chaplain at a Connecticut prison.  Not to mention the dozens of men we discipled, in prison and out, who are now not only living for God, but are in full time ministry.  A special blessing is the hundreds of couples who have connected with this ministry through the "WVIW Marriage Seminars".  I praise God today for my spiritual heritage through connections with spiritual fathers over the years.  And, I praise Him for my spiritual linage through the connections with people we have been able to disciple.
     I desire that for you.  Has God ever asked you, "How many people have you led to Christ?" or "How many of your fruit remain?"  Why don't you connect with WVIW?  Come go with us into a prison on a Crusade, a Marriage Seminar, a Manhood Seminar, or a short term mission trip to share the gospel with a neglected or forgotten people in a foreign nation.  Come join the team.  My prayer is that John 15:16 will be as meaningful for you as it is for me.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The One by Travis Moffitt of WVIW

I must admit that I am a sci-fi movie buff.  I have seen all three installments of The Lord of The Rings.  A great day for me would include all six Star Wars episodes.  And yes I have enjoyed every Star Trek movie except the first one.  I like the monsters, the space ships, and the laser guns.  I am fascinated by the special effects.  And I enjoy watching our real life dilemmas play out in a land far, far away.

If you can relate then you will remember one such dilemma in the 2nd Star Trek movie, The Wrath of Khan.  At the grand finale of the movie, after the big battle has ensued between The Starship Enterprise and Khan, First Officer Spock sets out to single handedly save his ship.  The Enterprise had taken a beating.  Someone had to enter the power reactor to fix the hyper drive.  Entering this chamber with all its radiation would ensure certain death for any such individual.  At the critical moment, Spock goes in.  In his final dialog, as he sits inside the reactor, his life long friend and Captain James Kirk sits outside watching his friend die.  Spock articulates his logical theology: “The needs of the many out way the needs of the one, or the few.”

So often this becomes the living mantra of our world.  What is best for the masses is of greater priority than what is best for only one person, or just a few.  At least that’s the logical position.  The opposing view would say that we should value the individual; that sometimes the needs of the one out way the needs of the many.  I mean didn’t Jesus come to reach even just one person?  In Christendom we regularly proclaim Christ’s individual love.  While this love of Christ for each one is true, it is only part of the truth.

The Christ view would say that meeting the needs of the many lie in meeting the needs of the one.  In John Chapter 4 we see a story where Jesus “had to go through Samaria.”  Along His way he meets a woman at Jacob’s well.  In their dialog He meets her deepest need, her need for salvation.  As she realizes that she is speaking with the Christ, she goes to tell everyone in her village.  For her this could have meant certain death, at least socially.  She was not a well received woman in her town.  She visited the well at a time when the other women had already gone home.  She had previously had five husbands and was now living with a man who she had not even married.  An adulterous woman.  A societal outcast.  Now running through town proclaiming the Christ was sitting at Jacob’s well.  And her proclamations worked.

John 4:39 says, “Many of the Samaritans from that town believed in Him because of the woman’s testimony.”  The needs of the many were now being met by the meeting of the needs of the one.  Jesus had saved her and now she could bring many to Him.

At Worldwide Voice In the Wilderness we are each aware of our own personal need for a savior.  We are also very aware that we have been saved and that salvation bids us go into all the world.  We must take our met need and reach the masses.  I was that one and now I must go to the many.

You are also that one.  If your needs have been met by Christ then you are critical in the reaching of the many around you and around the world.  In this way Christ allows us to be co-laborers with Him in reaching the world.  You and I are saved so that we can carry salvation to others.  We are blessed so that we can be a blessing to others.  The Gospel is therefore spread through group participation of individuals reaching the masses.

To be a one among many reaching the world, visit our website at and learn how you can join us in prison or oversees.  So many are waiting for you today.

Travis Moffitt
Associate Director

Friday, August 20, 2010

WVIW A Shared Ministry by Johnny Moffitt

     Recently I preached in two churches with the same name, Christian Renewal Church.  Sunday morning I was at the church in Hilton Head, South Carolina, and Sunday evening at the church in Brunswick, Georgia.  An extra special blessing of the weekend was that my oldest son, Terry, who lives in Hilton head, was able to be with  me for the entire weekend.  After joining me Sunday morning for breakfast and the service, he traveled with me from Hilton head to Brunswick.  He went to the evening service with me and then we had a wonderful dinner together.
     We talked into the night and then stayed together in the church Missionary House.  The following morning we enjoyed a leisurely breakfast with some old friends and then drove to Savannah, where I caught a flight back to Dallas and Terry drove home to Hilton Head.
     All the way back to Dallas I thought about how special the weekend was for me.  Not only because I had two opportunities to share the Gospel, be with special friends like Pastors Gilbert Posey and Bill Ligon, but spend so much quality time with my son, Terry.
     What I realized is that ministry is better when shared with wonderful people.  Worldwide Voice in the Wilderness is all about connecting with wonderful people.  We want to connect with you.  In Acts 13:1-3, we see that when people connect and worship, fast, pray and send or go, great things happen in the Kingdom of God.  
     At WVIW we are worshiping, fasting, praying, and going.  Why don’t you find a place where you can connect with us.  Join our team and we will share ministry together.  There are many opportunities where together we will see great things happen for God.  Let’s connect and see what God will do.  I believe it will be a fantastic experience for both of us.
Johnny Moffitt

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Travel Companions by Travis Moffitt

“I shall be telling this with a sigh 
Somewhere ages and ages hence; 
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I, 
I took the one less traveled by, 
And that has made all the difference.” 
-Robert Frost

Frost’s poem of choice and chance is very telling even these many decades after he penned the words. The Road Not Taken has become one of the most quoted poems in recent American poetic history. I believe not just because is excellent rhythm and rhyme, but because of its poignant truth: the path you choose today will make all the difference in your life tomorrow.
The part he leaves out is why that path impacts us so. Why does a journey change us? Why does one trail make us different and not just lead us to a different destination? I believe it has everything to do with our traveling companions. Frost calls it the “one less traveled by” implying that there were others who had gone that way. Others who would become his fellow sojourners. Others who would experience the same change as he.

I have found in life that as I journey for Jesus, the ones I journey with have a significant impact on how I am changed by the trail. Jesus said it this was in Matthew 4:19, “Follow me and I will make you fishers of men.” The emphasis being on the “follow me” and the “making” of someone new.

At Worldwide Voice In the Wilderness we value life change. We also know that life change occurs as we walk out this ministry calling with faithful partners like you. As we minister alongside one another in a prison or on foreign soil we are each mutually made into someone new by the shared power of the Holy Spirit. You are made new and we are made new by one another. Co-laboring causes us to be co-made into a new creation in Christ Jesus. How wonderful!

Over the next 12 months WVIW will have several opportunities for you and I to work together to reach Neglected & Forgotten communities around the world. We will conduct several in-prison Marriage Seminars and international trips to places like Mexico, Honduras, England and India.  We invite you to come go with us. Come co-labor with us and let us discover together the God’s making of something new in our hearts.

Find out more at

Travis Moffitt

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

You're Invited | A Letter From Our Directors

Marriage Seminar

Two simple words with such a powerful message. What a wonderful statement. Two words we all love to hear.  Two words that can evoke such feelings of warmth and welcome.  To be included.  To be wanted.  To be intentionally brought in.  You're invited.

This was Jesus' call to a new life.  His simple invitation, "Follow me" changed the lives of those who would answer with the positive RSVP.  "Come, and I will make you to become...  Drink from me and you will thirst no more...  Join me...  Follow me...".  Jesus laid out before His disciples and before us an invitation to a new life and an invitation to a new way of ministry.  He invited us to join Him on a journey to win the world, to reach the unreached, to love the lost.

Today that invitation is still available.  At Worldwide Voice In the Wilderness, we are diligently answering that invitation every day.  We are working to win back the marriages of the thousands of incarcerated men in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.  The divorce rate of these families with a spouse in prison is 97%.   We are working to win the Garifuna people in northern Honduras; a people who are so close to us geographically and yet still less than 4% Christian.  We are working to train prison ministers in Mexico, a country torn by drug wars and corruption.  We are working to mobilize an army of Christians around the world so eager to do something for God but just not sure where to begin.  This is our invitation.  This is our call.

Honduras 2011
Mexico 2010
This is your official invitation.  This is our open door to you.  Please join us.  We have found over the years that there are few joys like the passion of shared ministry work.  We are daily aware of the fact that God has not called to this walk alone.  He has called us to walk with you and you with us.  So, you're invited.  You're invited to help us save marriages.  You're invited to partner as we evangelize the Garifuna people.  You're invited to join us as we encourage ministers in Mexico.  You're invited to go beyond the prayer room.  You're invited to reach beyond the donation.  You're invited to come and put boots on the ground.  We want you and your participation in the work of this ministry.  We want to share the journey with you.

This year we will return to Mexico to work with a local ministry that is literally reaching hundreds of thousands of people for Christ.  They have invited us to encourage their leaders and to train workers in their prisons.  This is a unique opportunity to reach a people with limited access to the gospel.  You can join us on this trip.

In 2011 we will return to Honduras twice to continue a work reaching out to the Garifuna people.  We will be constructing a fish farm that will aid in their food supply.  We will also be encouraging their community leadership and sharing the gospel with this unreached people group.  You can stand along side us in this remote community.

Between August of 2010 and December of 2011 we will conduct 6 inmate marriage seminars literally saving dozens of marriages.  These families with no hope are being transformed by your presence. Join us.

At WVIW, we truly value your presence and participation in all of our ministry activity.  We are not offering you a tour, we are inviting you on a co-laboring journey that will have eternal impact for us all.  Please come and join us.  

To learn more about these and other opportunities to get involved you can visit our web site at  We look forward to going with you.

Johnny Moffitt & Travis Moffitt
Worldwide Voice In the Wilderness

Friday, July 30, 2010

Who are you praying for by Travis Moffitt

There is a question that has been heavy on my mind this week: How much of my prayer time is spent praying for me and my needs and how much is spent praying unselfishly for others?  Don't get wrong, I do pray for other people.  But when I take inventory of those others I find that they are typically people in my immediate life circles.  I pray for my wife and my son.  I pray for my extended family and ministry co-workers.  What I'm asking is how often do I spend quality time praying for others who can not or do not give something back to me.  How much of my prayers, either directly or indirectly, are "me" focused and how much are truly "them" focused?

On the mission field this seems much easier.  When I'm in Honduras or in a prison, I'm there for the people who live there.  I arrived at that place to give to someone who can not give back to me.  That's the point.  Praying for that person is a natural part of the service.  Buy when I'm home and facing the normal everyday challenges of my life, I question how often does that person come to mind, or heart, or become the subject of my devine petition.  This is the challenge of seperatoon.  Out of sight out of mind; out of prayer.

Another challenge is the challenge of judgment.  Yesterday I observed a father dealing with his young son.  I must say that I did not personally approve of his actions.  Being a new dad myself, I began to think, "How could he treat his son that way?   I will never do that to my son."  What incredible judgement.  Instead of simply praying for that man I began to decide how much of a better father I must be.  Lord please forgive me.

Mother Teresa once said, "If you judge people, you have no time to love them."   
I believe we could also say that if we love people, we have no time to judge them.  What better way to show love than to simply pray.  When we unsefishly lift up another person in prayer I believe we are expressing one of the greatest forms of love we can display.  Not to mention the fact that it sets our heart right in our view of the other person and ourselves.

If Jesus is our model then we must ask, "How is Jesus praying today?"   The Bible teaches that Jesus now sits at the Fathers right hand making intercession for us.  What an amazing thought.  The idea that Jesus is praying for me right now is amazing.  I am certainly not in a position to give anything back to Him.  His gifts to me are everything and all that I have to offer is nothing, yet He speaks to the Father on my behalf.  Asking for my provision, covering my sins, lifting me up before my God.  I thank God everyday for His kindness.  His prayers sustain me.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

How Do You Pray by Travis Moffitt

I read a recent statistic that while most of the US population knows about Twitter, only a very small percentage of the population actually uses it's short message service. That was a surprising fact as it seems lately everybody and their grandmother is tweeting their every step. I myself am accustomed to posting my latest blog, ministry activity, photos of my son, and where to get a good meal.Sure seems like a lot is being said in 140 characters or less.
I wonder though, how many of the millions of tweets out there actual equate to a genuine and heartfelt message?  I wonder in our masses of short statements, if we are actually touching another life or just talking?
I wonder the same questions for our prayers?  Don't get me wrong, I don't believe that prayers have to be long to be meaningful. They just have to be from our hearts. When we pray, even a short prayer, God desires that we actually open ourselves up to Him. He craves the deepest places in us so that He can live through us.
Jesus understood this. Jesus prayed this way. On the cross Jesus cried out to God, His Father, "About the ninth hour Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?”–which means, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46)
While this brief message would fit the requirements of Twitter, it packs more honesty than any tweet I've ever read. Jesus was crying out from His most genuine place of need. He was being totally honest in His prayer. There was no sugar coating this one. He didn't add any knowledge of life or scripture stating the God would never leave Him. He didn't try to justify His feelings. He simply cried out.
When was the last time you cried out to God?  What was going on in your life the last time you simply and most honestly exposed your heart to you Heavenly Father?  Maybe this week. Maybe never. God desires a genuine relationship with each one of us where we can be free to expose our hearts without fear or shame. If Jesus could be so vulnerable, then surely we can as well.
Travis Moffitt

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Spirit Is Willing by Travis Moffitt

41 “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak.”
There are several reasons in the Bible given as cause for prayEr  We are to pray for the sick.  We are to pray for our needs.  We are to pray for God's will to be done on earth.  We are told to pray without ceasing and we are told to pray in the Spirit.  Here the disciples are instructed to pray so that they do not fall into temptation.  When I was reading this passage I began to wonder what temptation specifically Jesus was speaking of. 


In the next few verses we see Jesus dealing with a temptation of His own.  It's an odd thought to me to think of our Lord being tempted.  The Bible tells us however that He was tempted in every way.  So what was His temptation here.  I believe it was to leave the ministry.  Look at His prayer: If there be another way, let this cup pass from me.  In other words, "Father, I know this is a good work and know that you have called me to it, but I also know that it is about to reach it's most difficult moment.   If there is another way then let's explore some options."


I know this was a struggle for Jesus because He went  back and prayed this same prayer 3 times.  This was not a one and done decission for Him.  He wrestled with this next step for some time and with some great anguish, to the point that His sweat was drops of blood. 


Jesus knew that victory in the fight ahead actually lay in His prayers at that moment.  He also knew the same was true for His beloved disciples.  He knows the same is true for you and I.

As we love one another and reach out to this world, the temptation is sure to come (in fact for many it's already arrived) to look for another way.  A few passages later, when the mob arrived the disciples responded without the decisive prayer battle having been won.  Peter pulled a sword and sliced off an ear. Judas offered the kiss of betrayal.  The others stood amazed an then they all scattered.  Jesus, having already won, offered Himself freely.


What will you do when times are tough in your walk with the Lord?  What will I do?  We face challenges daily here at WVIW.  Challenges that are new and seemingly more difficult than ever.  We must pray that we do not fall into temptation.  


The truth is that our Father has called you and I me to a great work.  He has called us to gather His people together and then GO.  GO to a world that is lost and dieing dying without Him.  To GO to Neglected & Forgotten People.  Whether they are locked in a prison cell or living on a beach in the remote reaches of the earth.  We are called to Reach them with the Gospel. 

At WVIW we believe that our greatest and most challenging days lie ahead.  We believe also that the same God who called us has also already made a way to victory.  And that way is through prayer. 


Will you join us?  Will you keep watch with us for an hour?  We will pray for you, and we invite you to pray for us and together we will offer ourselves to the world without reservation. 

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Pray Like Jesus By Travis Moffitt

Then He said to them, "My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death.  Stay here and keep watch with me."  -Matthew 26:38
It is always quite interesting to me to observe the requests made by Almighty God upon mortal men and women.  Jesus being fully man and fully God in one being made this request to His fully human disciples: "keep watch with me" or "pray with me."

Jesus had already eaten His last meal with these, His closest companions.  He had discussed things that were about to take place.  Things that were not easy to talk about.  Things even more difficult to experience.  At this moment, the moment of His greatest fight, what does He request?  Answer: someone to pray with Him.

It amazes me that the God of the universe would ask for prayer, but He did.  His simple request was, "stay and pray with me a while."   Keep the watch with me so that I don't have to go it alone.  Walk this spiritual path with me for a bit.  Let's sojourn together down the road of intercession.  Stay and pray with me a while.

How often is our request the same?  How much more often should it be?  Do we ask enough for prayer or do we attempt to go it alone?  Do we humble ourselves often enough to expose a need, a sorrow unto death?  Or do we mask our fears and hide our hearts attempting in vain to face our demons alone?

At WVIW we are asking.  We are asking how we may pray for you and we are asking you to pray for us.  God is teaching us how the practice of prayer with and for one another connects us in unique and powerful ways.  Ways of connection that we desire.  Ways of connection that we need.

Let us learn together from our Teacher, Jesus.  Let us keep watch with one another for a while.  Please pray for us and allow us to pray for you.

Travis Moffitt
Associate Director
Worldwide Voice In the Wilderness
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