It started out with a fantastic breakfast followed by teaching by Betty Moffitt. We learned about communication and how to listen as well as really hear our spouses when they talk to us. It is up to all of us to pull the bits out of the seminar that will be of specific help in our relationship.
After the teachings we had ample opportunity to key in and focus on the teachings and spent the time connecting with our small groups.
Typically small group time is one of the most adored and sought after times. This is a time when you can really soak up what has just occurred and really dig in to some issues that may be clouding our relationship with our spouse. Each person can take as much or as little of the time to discuss and work through some of the challenges that are being faced.
After lunch we had more time to learn and glean from each of the teachers through a portion called Split Session in which we take the men to one room and the ladies to another for female specific an male specific discussion time. It seems ironic to divide up the rooms by gender when this is a Marriage Seminar, but this time really benefits each couple more than they would expect. This affords each individual the opportunity to listen to their spouses side of the story without censorship through the voices of the opposite sex via our Team Members. We have several Team Members who have been in the exact same situation as the couples and have volumes of information ready to be poured into their lives. The men Team Members speak into the female participants lives, while across the building, the female volunteers accomplish the same. At the end of this session the participants are encouraged to ask ANYthing they want to of the Team Members and they DO! It is a great time of openness and honesty.
After more small group time, we had the opportunity to hear several life altering testimonies as well as a powerful take on the story of Jonah taught by Johnny Moffitt.
Several people responded Saturday night by accepting Jesus into their lives for the first time as well as several who decided to recommit themselves to God in front of their spouses for the first time.
It gives our Team great joy to spend the time here with the couples and many of us have made serious bonds with the couples this weekend.
Sunday will be another hard hitting day so please stay tuned and keep us in your prayers. We will be posting more updates and more pictures as the day progresses. Thank you !