Thursday, December 24, 2009
Merry Christmas from WVIW
We wish you and your family a blessed Christmas season. We are praying for you this week and know that God has something great for in store for 2010.
Thank you for being a part of the WVIW family and have a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.
WVIW Staff
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Letter From Director Johnny Moffitt
1. 22% stopped giving completely
2. 19% cut their giving by up to 20%
3. 17% cut their giving by half
My friend also shared these facts from a separate article called, “Keeping Outreach in the Midst of Crisis.”
1. Remember God is in control
2. Remember the power of crisis to open up people to their need for God
3. Continue to emphasize reaching out
4. Focus on being effective, creative, and generous
I was very moved by these statistics and the advice. I know that even in tough times God is our source. All of us here at WVIW know that we do what God has called us to do because our friends and partners do what they can by praying and giving to send us into the prisons and around the world. We appreciate that very much.
As I pondered the advice to ministries listed above, I thought what we see. Crisis! My friend, Emmitt Solomon, said, “When a man goes to prison a family goes into crisis.”
How true! I have seen hundreds of prisoners’ wives and children in great crisis for many years. These precious ladies stand by their husbands and pray for their release. Many work two and even three jobs. Their children suffer greatly. These women have done no crime and yet they are in crisis.
I have seen God use this time to open their hearts to receive the love of God and accept Christ. We continue to reach out to them. Just recently we provided Christmas dinner for 32 prisoner families, we fed 91 family members and provided Christmas presents for 101 prisoner children. This ministry is being effective, creative, and generous.
The above advice is right on. In 2010 WVIW will continue to reach out through four Marriage Seminars, two crusades, two international mission trips, 50 weekly Overcomers meetings in prisons, and provide a Transitional Home for returning prisoners.
I want to encourage you to remember that during these tough economic times, God is in control. Keep Him first. Your neighbors are going through the same thing you may be. Consider the possibility that their heart may be open to receive the love of God. Be effective, creative, and generous. This is Christian’s finest hour.
Please continue to remember WVIW when you pray and when you consider where to invest in Kingdom business. May God richly bless you.
Johnny Moffitt
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Equipped | Moses Part 4 | Travis Moffitt
"Who am I that I should go..." This was Moses' question. God had personally called Moses out to fullfill his life's destiny and all Moses could do was express his own personal feelings of inadequacy.
In his banter back and forth with God, Moses continually gave God reasons why he was not equipped for the job.
"If they question me, how will I answer them?"(Ex. 3:13)
"What if they don't believe me?"(Ex. 4:1)
"I am slow of speech."(Ex. 4:10)
Three times Moses tried to explain to God why he was not the man for the job. Three times he described why he did not have what it took to deliver the Hebrew nation from the hand of the Egyptians. And three times God answered him.
The theme of God's answers can be summed up in one question from God. "What is that in your hand?" God pointed out what Moses already possessed.
To Moses' worry of how the Hebrew leaders might question him, God gave Moses His name. The name of God in this story was reiterated over and over again to express God's personal and present hand of deliverance. God Himself was a companion that Moses already had. God had appeared to Moses' fathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and promised Himself to their decendants forever.
God was already present in Moses' life.
To Moses' question of doubt that the Hebrews wouldn't believe him, God pointed out Moses' staff as a medium to express God's power. Moses was now working as a shephard. His staff is the one thing that Moses would have always had with him. God knew this.
To Moses fear that his speech would not be appropriate for Pharoah, God reminded Moses of who had created his mouth in the first place. At Moses' persistence, God even appointed his brother Aaron to speak for him. A family member of Moses in place before the burning bush
God equipped Moses with tools and gifts that Moses already possessed. By birth Moses was already in covenant relationship with God. By trade Moses already had a staff. By creation Moses already had a mouth. And by heritage Moses already had a brother.
God knew these things. God did not casually use what was in Moses' life out of convenience. God had a plan to use those things that had been planted in Moses' life from years before.
How often do we explain to God the reasons that we are ill-equipped for the task He gives us. How often do we overlook our own equipping, all the while God has made us ready for every good work.
You and I already have everything we need to do what God has called us to do. You and I are already equipped for every good work. You and I have already been given gifts from God to carry out His mission for our lives.
He has given us Himself and His name. In so doing He has ordained us and declared us as ambassadors of His Kingdom.
He has given us a staff. A means to express His great power. This may be some ability you have through which God can magnify Himself.
He has given us our own created bodies. However imperfect they may seem to us, they are perfect for His work.
He has even given us our family and friends to help carry the message.
As you look to the task ahead, rest assured that in Christ you truly have what it takes. You are equipped so step out in obedience and faith and trust in the One who has equipped you.
Monday, December 21, 2009
A Strong Foundation
Al Schaefer spent the week working on the house repairing the foundation, and the sheet rock inside.
The house has needed work to be done for a while and we have been believing God to provide the means to make this happen.
Earlier this year we sent out requests for help and at our Celebration Banquet we created a fund to raise the entirety of the money needed.
Well this month we finally received all the money needed through several personal donations as well a tremendous gift from The Bentenbough Foundation.
This is such a great gift because this allows us to continue to minister through this home to the men who have been transitioning back into our communities. We really believe in these men and want to be able to continue to be able to give them the housing and mentorship that Ed Chambers has been able to so diligently provide.
Al and Tammy Schaefer also blessed the house by being available to work this week and donating much of their time allowing for us to come in under budget.
Thank you to all who have donated, and all who have prayed and supported us in this endeavor.
You can also visit for more info on becoming a volunteer and to make secure online donations.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Fear to Faith | Moses Part 3 | Travis Moffitt
When Moses was forty years old he killed an Egyptian in an effort to relieve the burden being put on the Hebrew people. Once Pharaoh knew of his actions, he set out to kill Moses. Moses fled to the wilderness as a fugitive in fear for his life.
Moses made a grave mistake. Now he sought refuge in the anonymity of the wilderness. He ran to where he was not known.
But God. (What a wonderful phrase.) But God was very aware of where Moses was and who Moses was. God watched over Moses very carefully and when the time was right, God brought him back. Back to Egypt Back to the place of his transgression.
The book of Hebrews speaks of when Moses lead the people out with no fear of king. How is this possible? How could Moses have left in fear for his life and then leave again with the entire Hebrew nation and have no fear of the king?
The answer lies at the end of Hebrews 11:27: "...because he saw HIM who was invisible." Moses had a burning bush encounter with God. God had shown up in Moses' life and Moses did not turn away. In fact the Bible says that when Moses saw the burning bush he turned towards it to investigate. God revealed himself to Moses and that made all the difference.
A man on the run. Aren't we all? It seems like so many people are ONLY moving forward in an effort to distance themselves from something in their past.
But God. But God is calling us out. He is exposing us. Not to the world in shame but to himself. God is offering His face to us. This is our burning bush opportunity. We are to look into His face. We are to investigate Him more. We are to press into Him.
He is calling each one of us into a work that may seem like too much. He is asking of us more than we can give. He may even be calling us back to our place of transgression to help lead those who are still trapped. How can we do this? By Faith ... without fear. Because we have seen the one who is invisible.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Travis Moffitt on Word and Spirit TV
Travis Moffitt on Air with Mark Brand on Word and Spirit TV Please tune in and watch as Travis speaks with Pastor Mark Brand on Word and Spirit TV. He will share a word from his heart and will be speaking about WVIW and the work we have planned for 2010. The show will air on ...
CH KTAQ 47.1 Dallas/FT Worth You can also "Tune in" Online and watch it LIVE by Visiting the Please Use the "Forward this Email" Button to invite friends and family to watch as well. |
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Timing is Everything | Moses Part 2 | Travis Moffitt
From before his birth, Moses had been set aside for this exact purpose: to deliver the Hebrews from Egypt in a way that would display God's mighty power. At his birth his mother recognized that he was special. Timing. At three months of age Pharaoh's daughter had compassion on him. Timing. And at forty he murdered a man to fulfill the call of God on his life. Again, timing.
How is it that Moses' destiny, while true and sure, would lead him down such a path so contrary to the God who had destined him? TIMING.
Moses had a God-given purpose; a calling; a destiny.
There are many elements that make up one's destiny.
Passion. Moses was obviously passionate about his destiny. So much so that he would take the life of another man to live in that passion.
Value of others. Moses risked his own life to rescue his Hebrew brother.
Connection. Moses was a Hebrew.
Timing. God's Timing.
What Moses possessed in the first three elements, he lacked in Timing. In lacking Timing he showed that he lacked trust in God. God is the one who had placed this calling on Moses' life in the first place. God is the one who had spared Moses' life. God is the one who had given him the passion, and value for others, and his connection.
Somewhere along the way Moses chose to follow the Calling instead of the Caller. Moses chose to be controlled by his destiny instead of entrusting his future into the hands of the one who created that future. He literally took matters into his own hands. In so doing, he rushed ahead of God's Timing and set out to free the Hebrew nation in his own Timing. His rhythm was off. His feet were out of step. He rushed the punch line. It cost a man his life and Moses' own people were confused by his actions.
Thank God for HIS Timing. Thank God for Grace. Through Grace, God gave Moses another opportunity to live in his calling. When Moses learned to lay down his own life, God reached into his heart and pulled up all those things that had been planted so deep. Things Moses was sure were gone forever. Things Moses was sure he had buried in the sand with the dead Egyptian. But with God Calling remains, Grace restores and His Timing is always right.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Who am I? | Moses Part 1 | Travis Moffitt
This is an amazing question to God from Moses. Moses, an Isrealite man who had grown up in the house of Pharaoh. A man of great learning and power. A man of a chosen people. A man called by God.
From an outside perspective Moses should have been experiencing the best of all that could have been available to him at that time in history. His people by birth had been given a unique covenant relationship with the Creator of the universe. Then, at the time of their bondage, Moses was literally plucked out into the home of their captors. He was brought into the house of power as a son of the ruling family. He could now share in the Heavenly relationship and the worldly power. Not a common place for a man to find himself.
Moses lived in this unique role as a man broken and on the run. He lived behind the protections of distance and anonymity guarding his life from danger and his heart from fear. Until this day.
This day that God would call him out of his safe place; his comfort zone. God called Moses to a task that I believe had lived in Moses' heart for some 80. As a young age (or at least younger than this day), Moses felt a sense of destiny to liberate his own people. He felt their pain and anguish. He felt their cry to God. He must have felt it, and felt it very passionately. After all, something drove him to murder.
But here Moses gives the answer of a defeated man: "Who am I that I should go...?" Why me? What do I have to offer? How can I be of any good to God's cause? What a lowly question. What a question, or rather a statement of low self value. God had hand picked Moses and clearly Moses questioned God's choice.
I think Moses' true problem was a crisis of identity. At the core was his real question: Who am I? Moses had lived his first 40 years between two worlds. He had lived these last 40 years in a third. Once a prince, now a rancher; not even a rancher; a ranch hand for his father-in-law. Where was his dignity? Where was his adventure? Where was his drive? I believe it was buried in the sand with the Egyptian he murdered 40 years earlier. I believe it was still swimming in the river where his mother left him in the reeds. Now before the burning bush was the shell of the man they used to call Moses, Prince of Egypt.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Tribute to Pastor Billy Joe Daugherty
Join Us TODAY as we honor and celebrate the life of Pastor Billy Joe Daugherty.
The Memorial Service is at 1:30pm, Today, in the ORU Mabee Center at 7777 S Lewis Tulsa, OK 74171.
You can also click here to view the Memorial service online at
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Prison Ministry Education Opportunity
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Getting a Fresh Start
On our recent trip to Louisiana, we had the privilege to sit down and speak with a group of men who are providing a new life to dozens of men everyday through a Ministry called Fresh Start.
Fresh Start Outreach Ministries, Inc. was founded in 2001 with a vision to reach those people hurting from drug and alcohol addiction and give them a “Fresh Start” on a new life. We are called to proclaim liberty to the captives and the opening of the prison to them which are bound.Fresh Start's Mission is to not only treat the addict for his addiction, but to radically change each individual from within. Fresh Start believes the only true way to see change in someone's life is through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
We had a chance to sit down with Clay Russell, Director of Fresh Start, and he told us
"If you wanna get free you need to have discipleship" Clay Russel, Director.
that on average about 70-75 students are being helped at any given time. Fresh Start operates in a 48 bed, multi-wing facility in Winnsboro, LA. They are licensed to host over 90 students at once and are staffed to do so. This facility was donated to Fresh Start at the end 2005, and in December of 2006, they opened their doors to 15 men waiting for their own Fresh Start
The 7 month program begins with all students completing a rigorous 30 days of in house training and counseling. Here they will establish and fortify their relationship with God through private and public reflection, prayer, chapel services, daily devotions and lessons, and several other social activities. Phase 1 is complete once the student has passed each of their weekly tests, and a final exam as their 30 days comes to an end.
Phase 2 encompasses months 2, 3 and 4. In this phase students go through a period of work therapy. Fresh Start owns and operates several businesses which serve the community of Winnsboro and the surrounding areas. Each student is employed at one of these businesses for a term of 90 days all while continuing their spiritual counseling and rehabilitation through chapel services, and classes like Overcomers- A Daily Choice.
During the third and final Phase (months 5, 6 & 7) Fresh Start helps each student find a job with a local outside employer. Students are able to deposit money into an individual account set up and monitored by Fresh Start. In this phase, GED classes are offered as well as vocational training to those students who did not graduate high-school. All students are also expected to now pay program fees of up to a third or their income not to exceed $500.
Upon completion of the 7-month program, students will receive a Fresh Start Certificate and the money saved will be released to the student to assist with such things as rent, deposits, and utilities.
Almost 90 percent of the residents come voluntarily and upwards of 70 percent of the students get clean and stay clean. Whats more is that a majority of the graduates who have stayed clear of addiction still have close relationships with the staff of Fresh Start. Some even apply for and begin work within Fresh Start's Intern program in order to give back to the program that gave them back their life!
"Family Reconciliation is a big deal" -Clay Russell.Many of the families are also contacted and served through the outreach of River of Life Church, in Winnsboro. Several of the students attend River of Life on a regular basis.
If you would like more info on how you can get involved in this ministry, or if you or someone you know are in need of their services, Please Click Here
Additionally you can email our offices( for more info on Fresh Start, Overcomers, and WVIW.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Overcomers Training
Date: Nov.. 6 and 7 (Nov. 6 from 6:30-10 pm; Saturday 8 am-12:30)
Place: Evangel Family Outreach church in Diamond Hill area of
Ft. Worth. 3401 N. Harding St., Ft. Worth 76106
Registration deadline: Oct. 31 call Margaret Lee 817-937-4446
Cost: $40 (cash or money order only)
Additional information: You must complete both days of training.
Training with Standing on the Rock Ministries allows you
FREE refresher courses with us, plus many more perks.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
The Kingdom of Heaven Is Like...
Imagine with me if you will how a dinner party with Jesus must have been. What would He do? Where would He sit? How would He talk to the other guests? Such was the scene in the 14th chapter of Luke. The Bible says that all eyes were on Him as the dinner progressed.
Discussion sprang up about a variety of theological topics before Jesus quite literally turned the tables and began to teach. The Matthew account of this parable starts off, "The Kingdom of Heaven is like a ... Banquet".
This moment in Jesus' ministry gives us insight into God's abundant life for us. Listen in now and discover the wonderful feast He has prepared for you.
Please consider making a donation to Travis and Gina. For all donations over $10 we will mail you a copy of this fantastic message. Click Here to contribute ONLINE DONATION
Friday, October 16, 2009
Travis and Gina Moffitt
Travis and Gina Moffitt met in 1992 while they were both attending Christ For The Nations Institute in Dallas, TX. While at CFNI they were involved in youth ministry, college campus outreaches, and several mission trips.
They spent the next several years in the corporate world in the Tampa, FL area before becoming involved in the international missions program of a local church. They eventually served as the Directors of International Missions and Outreach for Morningstar Church in Tampa. In this role they completed 7 trips to Cusuna, Honduras and lead 3 outreach trips to Slidell, LA immediately following hurricane Katrina.
In 2008 Travis and Gina relocated back to Dallas to assume the role of Associate Director of Worldwide Voice In the Wilderness.
Travis and Gina bring a fresh approach and experienced background to WVIW. Travis, a veteran communicator, delivers the Word of God in an inviting and practical way that is relevant to all audiences. Travis and Gina are helping WVIW seek new ways to reach out to those in need.
Travis and Gina have been married since 1994 and have a newborn son named Noah.
Thank you for your interest in WVIW. We are excited for the great work that God has given to us.
We are mindful of the doors He has opened and for the new places He will take us. Your prayers and support are deeply appreciated and meaningful to us.
Please feel free to contact us if we may help you in any way.
-Travis and Gina Moffitt
You can find out more about Travis and Gina, and the work that is done through
Worldwide Voice In the Wilderness on Our Facebook Page or by Visiting our Website
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Terror By Night
Terry Caffey shared his story last week, to a room of prison ministers and Texas State Chaplains though raw emotion with a delivery only a father could muster.
Terry spoke courageously as he remembered how his entire family was taken from him in an instance. He told of how his own daughter and her boyfriend planned and carried out a vicious plot to enter their house and murder the entire family. All of this came in response to Terry forbidding his daughter to date this boyfriend
"Typical teenage behavior might have included pouting, a bad attitude or perhaps a yelling match. Never in a million years would Terry Caffey have suspected it would involve murder."
Through his very emotional telling of that nights events in march of 2008, he spoke of how his 16 year old daughter's former boyfriend came in the house, shot him, his wife, and their 2 sons. He recalled being left for dead in his own house and dragging himself out of his home before it was burned to the ground. He was shot several times but managed to crawl 400 yards from his death. He asked God to keep him stay alive long enough to find out the identity of the killer. He did stay alive only to find out that his wife and two sons were gone and that his daughter Erin was being charged with 3 counts of capital murder.
It is impossible to understand the emotions and reaction that would have flooded Terry in the moments after finding out the full Terror of that night. He describes wondering why and how God could have taken his family in this way.
Six weeks later he visited what remained of his house and ultimately his life. He struggled with why God had allowed him to experience this and how he would live again. As he stood in the ashes and rubble that was once his home, his glance came across something that had not been consumed in the fire. There laying in the ashes was a single page from a book his wife had owned, through his tears Terry read :
"I couldn't understand why You would take my family and leave me to struggle along without them. And i guess I still don't totally understand that part of it. But I do believe that You're sovereign; You're in control."In that moment Terry felt his joy in Christ return.
Terry has told his story many times over the past year and a half and has had many opportunities to live out his belief that "God is Sovereign."
He also was given the opportunity to meet the author of the book from which that life altering page was preserved, James Pence.
Terry continues to visit his daughter who is in prison, and firmly believes she was not the mastermind behind the deaths of her family.
This powerful story of faith and grace is retold in the book, "Terror By Night" written by both Terry Caffey and James Pence.
Booking the Author is available by contacting Carlton Willis Communications, at
Please visit our website
Monday, September 28, 2009
COPE Celebrates 25 Years Of Excellence
The conference was September 22-25. There were ministries from all over the world here in Dallas, to represent their area of ministry and to connect with other like minded individuals .
COPE has become a place of fellowship & encouragement and serves to equip those called to prison ministry. COPE was designed out of necessity and has thrived because of its invaluable members.
4 of those members were honored in an awards ceremony on Friday, during the COPE Celebration Banquet.
The director of Worldwide Voice In the Wilderness, Johnny Moffitt, received the Inaugural 2009 Frank Costantino Award for Prison Ministry Excellence. This award was presented by Cheryl and Bobby Greenwood. Frank Costantino, now passed away, was one of the founders of COPE 25 years ago and was Cheryl's husband. Together Frank and Johnny pioneered COPE and worked many hard years to make COPE such a well established ministry.
Johnny Moffitt has been serving God through Prison Ministry for over 31 years. In addition to being one of COPE's founders, he has also served COPE as President, Vice President and currently serves as Treasurer. Johnny has ministered in countless prisons both on domestic and on foreign soil. He and his wife Betty formed Worldwide Voice In the Wilderness as a multi-faceted ministry reaching deep into Prisons all over Texas, the US and the World.
Johnny Moffitt through Worldwide Voice in the Wilderness, has both served and been served by COPE. Many doors into the worlds prisons have been opened due to this longtime relationship.
Another inaugural award handed out for the night was to Bobby and Bunny Greenwood. They received the first ever President's Award for their impact on COPE over the years. Bobby and Bunny have given tirelessly to ministries like WVIW, Bill Glass, and COPE to continue God's work everywhere they go. Bunny's life's story is told in the book "Lady In the Shadows", and is a must read for anyone involved in the prison ministry. Bobby and Bunny travel all over the world ministering any chance they get, and are a great source for encouragemnet and motivation for anyone who has met them .
John Sullivan became the 2009 recipient of the Chaplain Ray Hoekstra Lifetime Achievement Award for his work in prisons both in the states and internationally. John has ministered in over 300 prisons and more 40 US states. He is the International Crusade Director and serves on the Board of Directors for COPE. John has had about 20, 000 copies of his Book, "Dealing With Fear", have been ditributed in prisons across the United States. John understands prison ministry from personal experience. First arrested at age 11 and branded an incorrigible criminal by 16, John, at 33 years old, was a hopeless alcoholic and had been arrested more than 30 times. In 1977, John asked Jesus into his heart and the change was drastic. The change in John has become proof of God's calling on his life and COPE is now a better ministry because of him.
Worldwide Voice In the Wilderness is thankful for all that has been gained through COPE. This conference strongly reinforces why COPE was founded 25 years ago. It is safe to say, WVIW will likely serve COPE as a lifetime member and supporter.
To receive regular info from WVIW please find us on facebook, or join our Mailing List on our Website