1. 22% stopped giving completely
2. 19% cut their giving by up to 20%
3. 17% cut their giving by half
My friend also shared these facts from a separate article called, “Keeping Outreach in the Midst of Crisis.”
1. Remember God is in control
2. Remember the power of crisis to open up people to their need for God
3. Continue to emphasize reaching out
4. Focus on being effective, creative, and generous
I was very moved by these statistics and the advice. I know that even in tough times God is our source. All of us here at WVIW know that we do what God has called us to do because our friends and partners do what they can by praying and giving to send us into the prisons and around the world. We appreciate that very much.
As I pondered the advice to ministries listed above, I thought what we see. Crisis! My friend, Emmitt Solomon, said, “When a man goes to prison a family goes into crisis.”
How true! I have seen hundreds of prisoners’ wives and children in great crisis for many years. These precious ladies stand by their husbands and pray for their release. Many work two and even three jobs. Their children suffer greatly. These women have done no crime and yet they are in crisis.
I have seen God use this time to open their hearts to receive the love of God and accept Christ. We continue to reach out to them. Just recently we provided Christmas dinner for 32 prisoner families, we fed 91 family members and provided Christmas presents for 101 prisoner children. This ministry is being effective, creative, and generous.
The above advice is right on. In 2010 WVIW will continue to reach out through four Marriage Seminars, two crusades, two international mission trips, 50 weekly Overcomers meetings in prisons, and provide a Transitional Home for returning prisoners.
I want to encourage you to remember that during these tough economic times, God is in control. Keep Him first. Your neighbors are going through the same thing you may be. Consider the possibility that their heart may be open to receive the love of God. Be effective, creative, and generous. This is Christian’s finest hour.
Please continue to remember WVIW when you pray and when you consider where to invest in Kingdom business. May God richly bless you.
Johnny Moffitt
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