Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Equipped | Moses Part 4 | Travis Moffitt

"Who am I that I should go..." This was Moses' question. God had personally called Moses out to fullfill his life's destiny and all Moses could do was express his own personal feelings of inadequacy.

In his banter back and forth with God, Moses continually gave God reasons why he was not equipped for the job.

"If they question me, how will I answer them?"(Ex. 3:13)

"What if they don't believe me?"(Ex. 4:1)

"I am slow of speech."(Ex. 4:10)

Three times Moses tried to explain to God why he was not the man for the job. Three times he described why he did not have what it took to deliver the Hebrew nation from the hand of the Egyptians. And three times God answered him.

The theme of God's answers can be summed up in one question from God. "What is that in your hand?" God pointed out what Moses already possessed.

To Moses' worry of how the Hebrew leaders might question him, God gave Moses His name. The name of God in this story was reiterated over and over again to express God's personal and present hand of deliverance. God Himself was a companion that Moses already had. God had appeared to Moses' fathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and promised Himself to their decendants forever.

God was already present in Moses' life.

To Moses' question of doubt that the Hebrews wouldn't believe him, God pointed out Moses' staff as a medium to express God's power. Moses was now working as a shephard. His staff is the one thing that Moses would have always had with him. God knew this.

To Moses fear that his speech would not be appropriate for Pharoah, God reminded Moses of who had created his mouth in the first place. At Moses' persistence, God even appointed his brother Aaron to speak for him. A family member of Moses in place before the burning bush

God equipped Moses with tools and gifts that Moses already possessed. By birth Moses was already in covenant relationship with God. By trade Moses already had a staff. By creation Moses already had a mouth. And by heritage Moses already had a brother.

God knew these things. God did not casually use what was in Moses' life out of convenience. God had a plan to use those things that had been planted in Moses' life from years before.

How often do we explain to God the reasons that we are ill-equipped for the task He gives us. How often do we overlook our own equipping, all the while God has made us ready for every good work.

You and I already have everything we need to do what God has called us to do. You and I are already equipped for every good work. You and I have already been given gifts from God to carry out His mission for our lives.

He has given us Himself and His name. In so doing He has ordained us and declared us as ambassadors of His Kingdom.

He has given us a staff. A means to express His great power. This may be some ability you have through which God can magnify Himself.

He has given us our own created bodies. However imperfect they may seem to us, they are perfect for His work.

He has even given us our family and friends to help carry the message.

As you look to the task ahead, rest assured that in Christ you truly have what it takes. You are equipped so step out in obedience and faith and trust in the One who has equipped you.

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