From before his birth, Moses had been set aside for this exact purpose: to deliver the Hebrews from Egypt in a way that would display God's mighty power. At his birth his mother recognized that he was special. Timing. At three months of age Pharaoh's daughter had compassion on him. Timing. And at forty he murdered a man to fulfill the call of God on his life. Again, timing.
How is it that Moses' destiny, while true and sure, would lead him down such a path so contrary to the God who had destined him? TIMING.
Moses had a God-given purpose; a calling; a destiny.
There are many elements that make up one's destiny.
Passion. Moses was obviously passionate about his destiny. So much so that he would take the life of another man to live in that passion.
Value of others. Moses risked his own life to rescue his Hebrew brother.
Connection. Moses was a Hebrew.
Timing. God's Timing.
What Moses possessed in the first three elements, he lacked in Timing. In lacking Timing he showed that he lacked trust in God. God is the one who had placed this calling on Moses' life in the first place. God is the one who had spared Moses' life. God is the one who had given him the passion, and value for others, and his connection.
Somewhere along the way Moses chose to follow the Calling instead of the Caller. Moses chose to be controlled by his destiny instead of entrusting his future into the hands of the one who created that future. He literally took matters into his own hands. In so doing, he rushed ahead of God's Timing and set out to free the Hebrew nation in his own Timing. His rhythm was off. His feet were out of step. He rushed the punch line. It cost a man his life and Moses' own people were confused by his actions.
Thank God for HIS Timing. Thank God for Grace. Through Grace, God gave Moses another opportunity to live in his calling. When Moses learned to lay down his own life, God reached into his heart and pulled up all those things that had been planted so deep. Things Moses was sure were gone forever. Things Moses was sure he had buried in the sand with the dead Egyptian. But with God Calling remains, Grace restores and His Timing is always right.
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