Thursday, December 17, 2009

Fear to Faith | Moses Part 3 | Travis Moffitt

Have you ever walked in fear? Have you ever wished you had more faith? Have you ever wondered how you can move from fear to faith? Moses' life can show us the path.

When Moses was forty years old he killed an Egyptian in an effort to relieve the burden being put on the Hebrew people. Once Pharaoh knew of his actions, he set out to kill Moses. Moses fled to the wilderness as a fugitive in fear for his life.

Moses made a grave mistake. Now he sought refuge in the anonymity of the wilderness. He ran to where he was not known.

But God. (What a wonderful phrase.) But God was very aware of where Moses was and who Moses was. God watched over Moses very carefully and when the time was right, God brought him back. Back to Egypt Back to the place of his transgression.

The book of Hebrews speaks of when Moses lead the people out with no fear of king. How is this possible? How could Moses have left in fear for his life and then leave again with the entire Hebrew nation and have no fear of the king?

The answer lies at the end of Hebrews 11:27: "...because he saw HIM who was invisible." Moses had a burning bush encounter with God. God had shown up in Moses' life and Moses did not turn away. In fact the Bible says that when Moses saw the burning bush he turned towards it to investigate. God revealed himself to Moses and that made all the difference.

A man on the run. Aren't we all? It seems like so many people are ONLY moving forward in an effort to distance themselves from something in their past.

But God. But God is calling us out. He is exposing us. Not to the world in shame but to himself. God is offering His face to us. This is our burning bush opportunity. We are to look into His face. We are to investigate Him more. We are to press into Him.

He is calling each one of us into a work that may seem like too much. He is asking of us more than we can give. He may even be calling us back to our place of transgression to help lead those who are still trapped. How can we do this? By Faith ... without fear. Because we have seen the one who is invisible.

Look into His face today and be filled with Faith.

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